Middle east

Egypt… Uprooting the “Brotherhood”

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi has approved Law No. 135 of 2021, which separates employees, Muslim Brotherhood members, and terrorists from government jobs by non-disciplinary means, after it was passed in parliament last July.

The law stipulates that its provisions shall apply to employees in units of the State Administrative Agency and public business companies, and ensures that the dismissal of workers is a justified decision issued by the President of the Republic or his authorized representative based on the proposal of the competent minister after hearing the worker’s statements. The worker shall be notified of the dismissal decision.

The Act also provides that the dismissal of a worker, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, shall not result in the disqualification of the worker from pension or bonus, and shall have the right to appeal and review with the use of the “temporary” dismissal.

Yeah.. Some will see this as a kind of witch-hunt campaign in the dark European centuries. Others will see this as a de-Baathification campaign in Iraq. Others will think of it as the West’s dealing with the uprooting of Nazism and criminalizing it in words, deeds and symbols.. Finally, there will be those who will consider the matter – of course, from the Brotherhood and their supporters – one of the colors of the scourge to which strangers are subjected at the end of time, and the other party who blatantly rejects the apple of the Muslim Brotherhood. This is a necessary preventive measure to protect the state from the penetration of the Brotherhood’s internal cells, who take anything but them, and that includes the undermining of state secrets and interests.

If we review a little bit of the seriousness of the Brotherhood’s penetrations, and its military arms, which are affiliated with or derived from them, even if they are independent of them, we remember examples such as:

Abbud al-Zumar, a leading officer of the Egyptian Army’s fundamentalist military movement and a symbol of the Egyptian Jihad organization.

Issam al-Qamari, an armored officer and a teacher at the Egyptian army’s Command and Staff College, is also a leader of Jihad.

Khalid Islambouli, the assassin of Egyptian President Anouar el-Sadate, was a lieutenant to the Egyptian army. All those who carried out the operation were members of the armed forces.

This is on the military and security level back then and recently we have models like the Egyptian commando officer Hisham Ashmawi, the most prominent of the terrorist demons in Egypt and Libya in the recent past.

Not to mention the Muslim Brotherhood cells in the civil administrations, education, municipalities, health and other sectors – and what applies to Egypt applies to other countries that announce the banning of the Brotherhood – as does the owner of the home garden in his garden, whenever the excess grass is cut, it has to happen again after a while.. Not a one-time process.

The right of grievance or the right to change in ideas and affiliations remains a reality and must be valued as well, but once confirmed.

There is no place of the “Brotherhood” and its acolytes of peremptory and esoteric groups except for a permanent confrontation.

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