Middle east

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and Hopes of Chaos… A Political Front to Strike the State

All the Brotherhood’s attempts to strike the state from abroad failed, and their plans to sow chaos that would reinforce their illusions of a return to power were foiled.

Their words have failed to translate into popular language after their plots have been exposed and their masks have fallen. However, the regime’s obsession has returned them to the same cycle of incitement and distortion.

A propaganda campaign against Egypt abroad, and attempts to establish a new political party that the terrorist group is using as a “political front” behind which it hides to incite against the Egyptian state.

Experts in the affairs of Islamist movements said in statements to Al-Ain News that the organization will soon announce a new political party called “Egypt’s Hope”, which will be a front for political propaganda and targeting state institutions.

At the same time, they pointed out that the organization, as part of its new tactics, is targeting the use of human rights files and prisoners in Egypt to get closer to the administration of the new US President Joe Biden.

Figures affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood have expressed their intention to establish the Egypt’s Hope Party from abroad, under the pretext of “building a modern civil state” in Egypt, according to the group’s news sites.

The websites addressed a statement issued by the new party, which claimed that “the objectives of Egypt’s Hope are clear, which is to put Egypt on the right path, then to build a modern, participatory, democratic civil state.”

The party’s leaders said that it will “remain under the establishment for the time being,” under the pretext of “never recognizing the current system, which we cannot and do not want to deal with legally,” and that the party will have its headquarters in the United States, Britain, and Turkey.


Dr. Amr El-Shobaky, an expert at the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies and a former Egyptian parliamentarian, said the establishment of the party is aimed at spreading political propaganda and sending a message to the outside, not the inside; Because there is no trace of the party on the ground, but it and the support, both in Egypt.

El-Shobaky added that the party, which is to be announced soon, is merely “a political front for the Brotherhood to hide behind; to help the group move before international organizations in the form of lawsuits or other against the Egyptian state.”

Al-Ahram Center expert noted that the Muslim Brotherhood organization is trying to present itself to the United States and Europe as a civilian political movement opposed to the current regime.

Human Rights Entry .. a New Tactic for the Brotherhood

He also said that the organization will try to resort to new tactics, that is, to exploit any approach to human rights or freedoms to criticize the current situation in Egypt.

El-Shobaky stressed the need for quick action to expose the reality of Egypt’s Hope, stressing that it is not a civil party and does not have a presence inside the country, but rather a front for a Brotherhood organization with a special agenda.

“The administration of President Biden will not be close to the Brotherhood, and will be closer to the human rights discourse in general, and not the direct Muslim Brotherhood, which is linked to legitimacy, or granting the organization space in the public sphere,” he said.

Systematic campaigns

Following the Brotherhood’s announcement of a new Egypt’s Hope party, the group is expected to mobilize in the coming period to court the new US administration and launch systematic campaigns against the Egyptian state.

Amr Farouk, a researcher specializing in terrorist groups, said that the Muslim Brotherhood has instructed its media outlets to launch systematic campaigns against the Egyptian political system in the current phase, including the issue of freedoms, prisoners, and civil society organizations. The campaign aims to inflame the situation between the US administration and the Egyptian political system, and to exploit the situation in its favor under the new US administration.

Farouk said that the Muslim Brotherhood has mobilized a number of its affiliated human rights organizations abroad, as well as international human rights institutions loyal to the group and its project, to denounce the issue of Brotherhood prisoners and cronies, and to provoke crises inside prisons.

On its official Facebook page, the New Brotherhood Party (Egypt’s Hope) has announced its intention to sue the Egyptian regime before the African Court on Human and Peoples Rights.

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