Arabian Gulf

Erdogan undermines chances of calm in Libya … and mobilizes more mercenaries

Sources in the Libyan capital Tripoli told Sky News Arabia that the movement of Turkish planes to transport mercenaries and terrorists to western Libya continues, despite the efforts of the international community in recent years, which resulted in a new presidential council for the country to end the war in Libya.

According to what the Syrian Observatory revealed, the return flights of a group of Syrian and Turkmen mercenaries from Libya were stopped for the second time in the past month for unknown reasons, at a time when Turkish Airlines to ship terrorists continue to send new batches of mercenaries from the Syrian factions.

The continued Turkish military intervention in Libya comes amid numerous international calls for the exit of all foreign fighters from Libya, in order to ensure the success of the democratic process and the political process in that country.

The exit of all foreign fighters from Libya was the most important of the terms of the Libyan-Libyan deal last month, which was highlighted by foreign ministers of Greece, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, France and Cyprus, during the Philia (Friendship) Forum activities in Athens in the middle of last week.

Torpedo the Libyan Accord

Last weekend, the advisor of the Turkish President Yassin Aktay claimed that the new Presidential Council in Libya supports Ankara’s role in Libya and does not oppose the Turkish military intervention in the country.

Aktay added : “The agreements reached between Ankara and the reconciliation government will not be affected by the presence of the new Presidency Council. On the contrary, they support Turkey’s role in this country.”

This happened before Aktay warned that countries in the region would try to undermine Turkey’s role in western Libya, as he claimed.

Observers in Libya saw this as an attempt to “drive a wedge” between the new Presidency Council and the Libyan National Army.


In an interview with Turkish public television last Thursday, Turkish presidency spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said that the Turkish military presence in Libya will remain as long as the memorandum of understanding signed with the Al-Sarraj government will continue.

“No negotiation or political path can succeed in Libya without the presence of Turkey,” Kalin added.

This is what he said before referring to the role of Turkish companies in the future reconstruction of Libya, when he said : “Libya is a country rich in her oil wealth and her vast Mediterranean coasts, but the populations do not benefit from them and in the event that Turkey manages these resources, the well-being of the Libyan people will be achieved in a short time “.

In this context, the director of the Moral Guidance Department of the Libyan Armed Forces, Major General Khaled Al-Mahjoub, told Sky News Arabia that the Libyan National Army has shown great cooperation with all parties to get the country out of this difficult stage.

Al-Mahjoub added that the General Command of the Libyan National Army adheres to all international decisions that require the exit of all mercenaries and foreign militants from the country, firstly to ensure stability, to maintain progress in the political process, and secondly to establish a real democracy.

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