
Escalation of conflict… Muslim Brotherhood officers dominate the Sudanese army

A state of confusion besets the Sudanese army led by Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan was revealed by the Rapid Support Forces in Sudan, headed by General Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, known as “Hemeti”, which confirmed that the army became dominated by the Brotherhood and became a tool to implement their agenda.

“At the outset of the conflict, conflicting statements by Sudan Army Commander Abdul Fattah al-Burhan and his official page leaflets on the humanitarian truce process revealed two decision-making centers within the army,” it said that the contradiction between the positions of Al-Burhan and the page of the armed forces reveals that the extremist Muslim Brotherhood groups have hijacked the will and decision of the armed forces and have conducted it for the benefit of their malicious agenda, as well as the acts of piracy that targeted most of the state institutions, led by the official pages of the armed forces and the Sudanese Foreign Ministry, which requires not to deal with any information received through them.

The Rapid Support Forces expressed fears that “the multiplicity of decision-making centers within the army will lead to a failure to abide by the declared truce. The international and regional community must realize this fact during their handling and discussion with the leadership of the coup armed forces, behind which is the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Intensification of the conflict

As a result, the humanitarian situation is becoming more complex and the security situation is deteriorating with the increasing lawlessness, widespread looting, and growing manifestations of political backsliding, especially after the isolated regime has emerged again.

Sudan’s Umma National Party has repeatedly accused some army officers of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and remnants of the former regime, saying they would rather burn Sudan than stay out of power. He called on the Sudanese not to be dragged into any calls for supporters of the National Congress, the party of deposed President Omar Al-Bashir, to continue the civil war.

The party said that what is happening is the work of the Muslim Brotherhood and the remnants of the former regime and that the imprisonment of convicted prisoners is evidence of their involvement in the conspiracy to blow up the war. The party hinted that the responsibility of the army command (apostasy) is borne by its historic burdens.

He added that the release of the leaders of the former regime from prison confirms their involvement in blowing up this war and their ambition to return to power through the barrel of a gun. He also cites the statements of their leaders, which were repeated during the month of Ramadan, and the statement of Ahmad Haroun, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court after their planned departure.

Popular mobilization against the former regime

The Umma Party called for the mobilization of the general public, at home and abroad, to stop the war and confront the deposed regime’s ambitions and practices to return to power. It stressed the need to work to activate the role of the resistance committees and neighborhood committees to monitor any subversive activity that endangers the lives and property of citizens or any provocative activities that fuel the war.

Concerning the release of members of the former Islamic Salvation System (the regime of the deposed President Omar Al-Bashir) from prison and their role in fueling the war, the party said: “I present to the Sudanese people the leader of the dissolved National Congress Party, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court, Ahmed Haroun, a recorded audio statement on behalf of the criminals of the rescue system detained in Kober Prison after their release from prison.

Brotherhood elements within the army

He continued, “That statement confirmed the facts that we have been repeating in the forces of freedom and change later, that the former regime and its disbanded party, and through their elements within the armed forces and the regular forces, are behind the war that has been going on since the morning of Saturday, April 15, to bring the corrupt and tyrannical regime back to power in any way.”

The emergence of Ahmed Haroun, who is wanted for international crimes of war crimes and genocide in Darfur, is a clear message from the disbanded National Congress Party, he said. Therefore, their presence at the scene of the events and their release from prison at this time, as a group that practiced the most heinous crimes and wars and divided the country and killed and displaced millions of its people, means the escalation of the war, and this is what was clear in their speech their intention to further ignite and expand sedition, which is not surprising from a regime that is accustomed to killing its people in war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.

This war will lead the country to collapse and will not achieve any of the main issues that the civilian and military parties have sought to resolve through the political process. Foremost among these is the security and military reform issue, which ends the condition of the plurality of armies and leads to the establishment of a single professional and national army.

What is going on in the designs of the remnants of the Bashir regime and the Muslim Brotherhood, who seek to continue the conflict and return to power again?

Military coup against civilians

In October 2021, the military seized power and declared a state of emergency, ending a power-sharing agreement between civilians and the military in a move that political groups denounced as a military coup.

Before the al-Burhan coup, Sudan began on 21 August 2019 a transition phase that was due to end with elections in early 2024, during which power was shared by the military, civilian forces, and armed movements that signed a 2020 Juba peace agreement with the government.

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