
Estonia condemns deadly Houthi attack on Abu Dhabi

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia, Eva Maria Limitz, has condemned, rejected and denounced in the strongest terms the Houthi terrorist attacks against civilian installations and areas in the United Arab Emirates.
In a message received by the President of the Federal National Council, Saqr Ghabash, the Minister reiterated her country’s full solidarity with the United Arab Emirates and offered her sincere condolences to the leadership, government and people of the United Arab Emirates and to the families of the victims of the terrorist attacks.
She stressed the importance of the bilateral visits between the two countries in strengthening the existing relations in various fields by discussing issues of common concern, especially the promotion of joint parliamentary cooperation.
She congratulated the UAE on its remarkable success in hosting Expo 2020 in Dubai, as well as its election to the Security Council. It praised Abu Dhabi’s important role at the international level and wished it further progress and prosperity.
The regional and international reactions in solidarity with the UAE against Houthi terrorism have been ongoing for days. Dozens of countries and international organizations condemned the attempt by pro-Iranian militias to target civilian objects in the UAE.


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