
Ethiopia confirmed its intention for the second GERD filling

Ethiopia affirmed again that it continue its plans to progress in the second phase of filling its Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) when the rainy season starts in July, ignoring appeals and warnings from Sudan and Egypt.

According to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, on Sunday, the second filling of the mega-dam continue as programmed in July/August, indicating that this step would inhibit floods in neighboring Sudan.

On its part, Addis Ababa has always asserted that the dam is not for ruining the interests of downstream countries. It also declared in 2020 that it had accomplished the first phase of filling the dam, attaining its aim of 4.9 billion cubic meters that permitted evaluating the first two turbines of the dam. Addis Ababa wants this year to fill an additional 13.5 billion cubic meters.

In the meantime, the Sudanese government has increased its diplomatic efforts to attract African and Arab support for its position about the disagreement. On her part, Foreign Minister Mariam al-Mahdi held a virtual gathering, on Sunday, with ambassadors of the African Union (AU) member states.

Sudanese firm position

Mariam al-Mahdi affirmed in a statement her country’s constant position; it’s about appeals for attainment a complete necessary and legal deal before going forward in the second filling.

The statement indicated that Al-Mahdi showed a detailed clarification about the results of the recent discussions in Kinshasa previously this month and stated that Khartoum wants receiving their support to attain a deal fair for all parties.

Moreover, Sudanese Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources, Yasser Abbas, also participated in the gathering and affirmed the importance of having the political to achieve the wanted objectives for the three concerned parties.

He also noted Sudan’s suggestion to include the European Union, United States and United Nations in the negotiations, and also to present African Union mediators.

It should indicate that Cairo and Khartoum refuse Addis Ababa’s unilateral second filling of the dam before achieving an obligatory deal. The latest round of discussions between the three countries in Kinshasa concluded without any progress.

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