
Experts: The Brotherhood transformed themselves into a kind of society, an open attempt to reorganize its cards

Revival and Renewal Association... Experts comment on the statement of the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya

The move of the Muslim Brotherhood organization in Libya to an association under the name of revival and renewal, with principles different from the Brotherhood’s, according to political experts, is an obvious attempt to rearrange its cards to gain the trust of Libyans again, especially after the major defections that hit the ranks of the Brotherhood recently.

The organization said in a statement that the Revival and Renewal association will carry out its mission in Libyan society through its tireless work in various areas of public work.

Mohammed Al Abidi, a Libyan political analyst, said the Muslim Brotherhood’s statement is a political attempt to compensate for the losses it has suffered in the political process. He added that the organization recently suffered several blows, some of which were from within the organization. The most recent of these blows was the mass resignations of its members in Libya and the announcement that the group’s office in the Zawiya region would be closed in protest of what is happening in the country, according to Sky News Arabia.

Al Abidi added that the group has lost its authority in Libya, and has faced many resignations, defections and multiple rebellions, the most famous of which was Khaled al-Michri’s withdrawal from the group in early 2019. He noted that al-Mishri’s withdrawal was a major shock within the group’s corridors, and following threats by Brotherhood elements in Egypt to withdraw as well, in opposition to the policy of the group’s leaders, which many described as crazy.

He explained that what the organization did and what was mentioned in the statement was expected, especially since the recent period the group held meetings at the highest level in which the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood participated in Turkey in an attempt to compensate for the group’s losses and to plan for an appearance that would be acceptable to the Libyans. He explained that the new form the Brotherhood would appear would not benefit them, especially since this maneuver was followed by the organization in more than one country and the experience proved its failure in the end.

Political analyst Mohamed Jibril al-Lafi said that Libyans have become accustomed to such failed maneuvers by a group based on its extremist ideology, pointing out that this ideology could not convince anyone of its methodology and doctrine. He added that this group, after it proved its failure to gain power through the ballot box, is now trying to market itself as the sole agent of the Islamic Call and it is the only one controlling the Islamic call as a kind of pressure on Libyans that those who disagree with them might fall in the wrong of violating Sharia.

Al-Lafi said that this statement is trying to mislead and falsify the fact that they were mutilated, but the reality is quite the opposite. Everyone saw direct statements from members of the Muslim Brotherhood who admitted that they were supporting the growth of extremist groups in Libya, and their television channels are full of statements by Brotherhood leaders praising terrorist councils allied with Ansar al-Sharia and al-Qaeda supporters.

Al-Lafi pointed out that the Muslim Brotherhood’s hand is tainted with blood in Libya. All the terrorist organizations that fought against the Libyan people were allied to the Brotherhood by the confession of its leaders, as we did not find a single statement condemning the actions of al-Qaeda and Ansar al-Sharia.

Al-Lafi said the statement reflects the ability of this extremist organization to maneuver and how its media machine is working to beautify its image, but he was not aware that the simple Libyan people discovered all these games and did not repeat their mistake by electing them again.

Political researcher Ibrahim al-Futori said that when the Muslim Brotherhood announced itself in Libya in 2011, it was claiming that it would only practice preaching and guidance and that its main aim was to spread religion and the values of Islam in an attempt to win over a large segment of the Libyan people to their side, according to Sky News Arabia.

He added that the Muslim Brotherhood had not actually acted in accordance with its stated principles and was doing a clear political job and violated laws and regulations. We saw members of this group assuming positions in the state and we saw parties loyal to this group.

He added that the Muslim Brotherhood organization went through many stages in Libya, where it dominated at times the political decision and its members and leaders occupied state institutions, but we have reached this day when the group became an outcast for the Libyan people, as Libyans became certain that the status of the Muslim Brotherhood is not welcome, because it exceeded the conventions and the contract concluded between political entities and Libyans after they plunged them into chaos.

He pointed out that the Muslim Brotherhood had reached the wall of the dam after losing the popular base and political representation within the new government, and therefore it is natural that they would enter a repositioning process under other names.

The political researcher cited the recent state of dissent among the group : Even the leaders of the group have withdrawn and left the organization, as it is a maneuver exposed by them to relaunch themselves in a new way away from the group.

The terrorist Muslim Brotherhood organization lost any popular presence in Libya and was hit by many resignations, defections and multiple rebellions, most famously the withdrawal of Khaled al-Mishri from the group in early 2019 and the closure of the organization’s office in the city of al-Zawiya.

The strike is considered one of the strongest blows the organization has faced in Libya, which is witnessing a major struggle. This step represents an acknowledgment of the Brotherhood’s loss of its largest stronghold in Libya, and the beginning of its collapse after its low popularity and reached its lowest level.

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