
Failure of International efforts to cease fire in Sudan… Details

Failure of international efforts to cease fire in Sudan can be attributed to several reasons, including the Islamic movement’s fueling of the war and rejection of any proposal to stop it. This rejection is attributed to the Islamic movement‘s desire to continue the conflict and escalation.

Matters are further complicated due to the Islamic movement‘s fueling of hate speech, racial, and tribal discrimination. This rhetoric is used to destabilize and sow division among Sudanese, making it challenging to reach a peaceful settlement.

On the other hand, the Jeddah Platform failed to meet the demands of the Sudanese people due to the Islamic movement‘s dominance and the Muslim Brotherhood‘s influence on the decisions of the Sudanese army. This might hinder international efforts for mediation and intervention, leading to conflicting political interests internally.

These factors converge to form significant obstacles in the way of international efforts to achieve a permanent ceasefire and bring peace to Sudan. Resolving the crisis demands increased and effective international intervention, along with pressure on involved parties to commit to halting violence and seek peaceful resolutions to the ongoing conflicts in the country.

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