
France Continues to Pursue the Muslim Brotherhood… What’s New?

The French Senate recently sent a letter to Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, in which it praised the government’s efforts to combat political Islam and urged him to ban the influence networks of the Muslim Brotherhood in France and Europe, particularly in light of the growing danger they pose today and their sharp and harmful incitement through social media platforms. 

The Senate revealed that the law of August 24, 2021, which strengthens respect for the principles of the Republic and fights Islamist separatism, known as the Anti-Separatism Law, had been reviewed by the Senate’s Legal Committee. The committee warned of certain gaps and flaws, such as in relation to the financing of associations, and the banning of a Brotherhood-affiliated association in France due to suspicions of extremism, which immediately relocated to Belgium under official authorization, where social media networks promote and regain members and supporters, according to the (Akhbar 24) website. 

The French Senate called on the Ministries of Interior and Foreign Affairs to outline official plans to ban the Muslim Brotherhood and limit its influence in France and Europe, similar to actions taken by other countries. 

In response, French government officials reiterated that combating Islamist separatism, anti-Semitism, and those who attack the values of the Republic and seek to divide society is a key priority for the French state. 

Since 2021, France has banned several associations and centers affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and prevented their funding, while also intensifying the expulsion of extremists and imposing stricter surveillance on the remaining associations. Security authorities have conducted thorough investigations into the funding sources of the Muslim Brotherhood in France. 

These investigations identified (10) networks controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, stretching from Lille in the north to Marseille in the south, passing through Paris and other French cities. These networks aim to establish self-contained separatist communities parallel to French society, while also encouraging immigration policies to recruit new Brotherhood members. 

A French research report published a few days ago highlighted ongoing criticism of political Islam in France, revealing that 28% of descendants of Muslim communities in France practice separatist Islam, with the greatest threat coming from the Brotherhood, which controls numerous associations, mosques, and the appointment of imams.

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