
Ghazi Salah Al-Din – Qatar’s and Turkey’s arm to return the Brotherhood to Sudanese power

Sudan’s defunct Muslim Brotherhood regime is preparing to export Islamic Movement leader Ghazi Salah al-Din al-Atabani as an alternative to their new project as they seek to seize power, ignoring the black record of the terrorist group’s greatest manipulator.

Ghazi Salah al-Din is a doctor and a university professor, but he is one of the symbols of the terrorist organization in Sudan, where he was raised by the leader of the Islamic Movement Hassan al-Turabi, and he owes his extremist ideas absolute loyalty, but he is described as the arm of Qatar and Turkey in Sudan.

Ghazi Salah al-Din traveled frequently to meet with the Turkish president and to inject his policies into Sudan.

He is also considered one of the Brotherhood leaders who worked in the government close to the deposed President Omar al-Bashir, and during the official responsibilities that he assumed, he revealed endless arrogance and arrogance, in addition to adopting a method of restricting freedoms and violence against citizens.

One of the most prominent reasons for the emergence of the Sudanese revolution, given his extremist and reactionary ideas, was during his tenure at the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Information in Khartoum.

The Sudanese people consider the leader of the Islamic movement Ghazi Salah al-Din behind the policy of muzzling mouths, imposing restrictions on media freedom, and prohibiting criticism of al-Bashir at all on Khartoum TV.

In 2013, Ghazi Salah al-Din broke away from the then ruling National Congress Party in an attempt to maneuver and show a new skin, as the Sudanese people began to reveal their frustration with Brotherhood rule.

He established the separate group as Reform Now, claiming that its goals were to achieve the Lord’s Order by establishing justice and charity, upholding the values of individual and collective responsibility, instilling the concepts of accountability and fighting all forms of corruption on earth, but it later turned out to be a ploy to maintain its presence in the arena in case the people came out against the Brotherhood.

The Islamic Movement in Sudan and its figures, led by Ghazi, are accused of lack of morals and involvement in corruption and bribery cases.

Ghazi Salah al-Din was accused of stealing Zakat, Umra and Hajj money, collected by the movement, for his personal account. It was revealed that he was involved in the looting of millions of dollars during his 23 years in power.

The Muslim Brotherhood leader uses religion to manipulate the minds of Sudanese people by imposing a culture of dictatorship and oppression, passing reactionary ideas, and also uses religion to support Brotherhood projects and force citizens to rally around them by using religion for its own ideology.

He is one of the Brothers’ faces that are taking advantage of the current turbulent situation in Khartoum to regain power on the side of the Muslim Brotherhood faction, through changing the skin of the group and the flogging of its leaders, and the announcement of a new alliance called the broad Islamic current, which includes eight Brotherhood movements.

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