
Hadi refused the repetition of the Iran’s experience in Yemen

While Iran-supported militias continue in their severe attack against Yemen’s Taiz and Marib governorates and keeps violating the UN-sponsored Hodeidah Agreement, President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi appealed on Sunday for unity against attempts for repeating the Iranian experience in the war-ravaged country.

Hadi’s statements came after holding separate gatherings with the Yemeni vice president, prime minister and senior judiciary officials. Hadi said: We feel the magnitude of the suffering and difficulties facing our people, accusing Iran-aligned Houthis for present defies and crises that face the country.

Hadi also affirmed the unjust war imposed by the Houthi coup militia continues to serve Iran’s agenda, blaming the group of trying to impose an alien experience on Yemen.

About the recurrence of the Iran operation, the Yemeni president noted that it was unacceptable no matter what it costs Yemenis in sacrifices. According to the state-owned Saba news agency, he expressed thanks to states participating in the Saudi-led Arab Coalition for their appreciated multi-faceted support.

The support of Arab Coalition states

Arab Coalition states battled with the internationally-recognized Yemeni government against a severe Iran-backed revolution by Houthi militias that erupted over six years ago. They have also supported public and development services concentrated on easing problems that faced the Yemenis.

During his gatherings with officials, the Yemeni leader was informed about the current situation of battlefronts around Yemen and government efforts for improving services in liberated governorates.

Distribution of a fuel funding

On his part, Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed showed a report describing the practical phases taken by the government in collaboration with Saudi Arabia on the delivery of a fuel grant from the kingdom to ease the suffering of Yemenis during Ramadan, the Islam’s holy month of fasting.

The report also comprised the Yemeni government’s efforts for safeguarding the salaries of civil workers in the fight-tired country.

The Hadi’s extraordinary gathering with the Supreme Judicial Council on Sunday also involved senior officials like Justice Minister Badr Al-Arda and Attorney General Ahmed Al-Mousai.

Call for independence of Judiciary

He noted the complex and difficult reality in Yemen, and affirmed the importance of the judiciary and its real role as a fundamental pillar of the state. He also stressed the importance of uniting the lines of the judiciary to serve nation.

Hadi also reaffirmed that preserving the independence and impartiality of the judiciary and take it away from political disagreements is vital, stressing the necessity to cease all forms of obstruction of justice and repeated the need for commitment to administrative and financial transparency.

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