
Hamad bin Jassim’s statements expose the lies of Doha and its conspiracy to destroy Iraq

The Qatari regime and all those with whom it has worked have always sought to stir up sedition and promote lies and allegations in order to improve their permanent image among all countries as a state let that does not serve the interests of any neighboring country.

Former Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim Al Thani held a press conference to promote his lies and allegations on many public and political issues that the world has witnessed over the past period.

Stopping the execution of saddam

As part of the lies spread by bin Jassim in his interview, Doha tried to stop the execution of the late Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, through Egyptian mediation.

In a lengthy interview published by Kuwait’s Al-Qabas newspaper, bin Jassim said he had asked former Emir Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani to contact the late Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to intervene with former US President George W. Bush and put his political and regional weight on the issue, in order to put a halt to the death penalty.

Bin Jassim added: that the Egyptian president had already been reached out to, and agreed to broker a moratorium in Washington by any means.

Indeed, the late Egyptian President called his American counterpart George Bush at the time, and informed him that the issue of the execution might provoke anger in the Arab street, and the atmosphere was tense, especially that he was detained and not needed to be executed, but Bush refused the order and carried out the sentence.

The US forces executed Saddam Hussein after he was convicted by an Iraqi court of several crimes punishable by death. The sentence was carried out at dawn on the 10th day of Eid Al-Adha in Dhu Al-Hijja, 1427, December 30, 2006.

Bin Jassim’s contradiction

In the dialog, Hamad bin Jassim contradicts himself with the open allegations and lies against many countries and cases, which exposes the Qatari plans. In addition, Hamad bin Jassim does not mention any of the crimes Doha has committed and the support for extremism over the past years.

The Lies of Ben Jassim against Palestine

On the revelation of Bin Jassim’s lies about Palestine, the Palestinian writer and analyst Hassan Asfour says: Former Qatari Prime Minister and billionaire Hamad Bin Jassim opened his private talk file to address the Palestinian issue. After he demanded in May 2012 that President Abbas resign and the need to create a new young Palestinian leadership, one of the Qatari research centers rushed to finance a media campaign under various slogans to promote the Ben Jassim alternative plan, before backing down under some pressure, Bin Jassim returns to utter lies that should not be silent on.

He added in a lengthy article: In one of his episodes with a program they called “The Black Box” on February 14, 2022, Qatari Bin Jassim (The Godfather of the Division in the Palestinian arena) revealed that his office witnessed a meeting between Palestinian and Israeli personalities to discuss how to get rid of Yasser Arafat in 2002. After a while, they told him that there was no need for this and he announced Yasser Arafat’s illness.

He continued: Bin Jassim’s account, without details of the characters he hosted (and certainly they are Qatar’s friends and not its adversaries, and they are known by the names of almost every Palestinian), indicates that he was part of the conspiracy against Yasser Arafat and his country, a center for discussing special arrangements after Arafat, in implementation of the request of the new American President George W. Bush (Bin Jassim admitted in a subsequent episode that he was his friend before becoming president), when he demanded in June 2002 the necessity of finding an alternative leadership for Yasser Arafat, and the Western machine and some of its Arab and Hebrew tools started promoting this.

He pointed out that Bin Jassim’s confession that he is an accomplice in conspiring against Yasser Arafat reveals his future major role in preparing the divisive conspiracy in the Palestinian arena, and also at the request of the United States, as he mentioned in previous talks.

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