Hezbollah seeks chaos ahead of elections in Lebanon

Lebanon continues to witness ongoing crises in light of threats issued by Hezbollah as the electoral process approaches internally, in order to disrupt the electoral process by using all means of threats against the opposition and even terrorizing citizens who will vote against the terrorist militia in Lebanon.
Over the past few hours and days, Hezbollah has escalated its threats against opponents and opinion-makers opposed to its influence in Lebanon, and brought its fighters from Syria to Lebanon in order to obtain their votes and return them to the battlefields. It is a message threatening citizens in the elections.
Regarding threats against the terrorist militia in Lebanon, Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said via Twitter: “I was attracted to someone saying that the next election is like a political July war, adding that it would have been more correct to say that it is a political liberation war”.
Hezbollah plot
Lebanese political analyst Tawfiq Shoman said: “Hezbollah uses violent means and direct threats against all opposition members, he said, adding that threats have escalated over the past few hours in order to control the Lebanese elections significantly. He said the terrorist militia has launched numerous electronic battalions to disrupt opposition and use a policy of intimidation to control the elections and seats in the Lebanese parliament”.
The Lebanese political analyst added: “The terrorist militia’s plans include using religion and fatwas for their own personal interests, obtaining votes, and having citizens vote for their candidates using religious fatwas that call for voting for them under the pretext of defending religion”.
Hezbollah terrorist groups use all social networking sites to send threatening messages against opponents in all areas of Lebanon, he said.
International outrage
A report in the Financial Times, titled “Cronyism and Threats on Behalf of Lebanese Hezbollah in the Parliamentary Elections”, which will be held on 15 May, said.
Despite growing discontent, Hezbollah, designated as a terrorist organization by the United States and some European countries, maintained control of the electorate through its extensive patronage network, sectarian incitement and intimidation of opposition supporters, the report said. The terrorist group Hezbollah has maintained a steady flow of dollars for its members, and its charitable organizations continue to provide extensive assistance to the wider community, it added.