Middle east

Houthi Crimes Don’t Stop.. Videos Reveal Killing of Civilians who Refused to Engage in Looting

The Houthi militia continues to commit crimes against the Yemeni people without interruption since the U.N. truce was suspended. The terror militia has terrorized many residents of areas under its control in the absence of the state, and the past few days have witnessed an increase in the pace of confiscation of citizens’ property in various areas under Houthi control.

Robbery and murder

Continuing the Houthi violations, Houthi militia elements committed a new crime after killing and injuring five Yemeni civilians. A video circulated on social media showed members of the Houthi militia, led by a person named Adel Nasser Atef, firing live bullets and killing civilians in cold blood after the victims tried to defend their land and prevent Houthi forces from seizing it. Citizens called for saving them from the systematic looting carried out by Houthi elements against their property. For his part, Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, Muammar Al-Eryani, considered the murder committed by the Houthi terrorist militia against the people of Hodeidah province as an extension of the acts of looting that they practiced against the people of Tihama.

Al-Eryani condemned in the strongest terms the Houthi terrorist militia elements, affiliated with Iran, firing on a number of citizens who had gathered peacefully, in an attempt to prevent those elements from looting their lands and farms in Badschil district, Hodeidah province. In a series of tweets, he added, “The cold-blooded murder of unarmed civilians by the Houthi militia, whose details documented one of its victims, comes weeks after it assaulted citizens and forcibly looted their lands and farms in the directorate of Beit al Faqih in Hodeidah governorate, in an extension of the acts of looting that it is practicing against the people of Tihama”. The Iranian minister stressed that the international community, the United Nations, human rights organizations, and U.S. and U.N. envoys are required to condemn the systematic killings of the Houthi militias against the Tihama people and to put pressure on their leaders to stop the looting of citizens’ land and property and to include them on terrorism lists.

Full-fledged crime

In the same context, the human rights office in Hodeidah governorate commented on these acts saying: “The crime committed by the Houthi terrorist militia elements reveals part of the systematic violations practiced by the militias aiming to confiscate and loot the property of the people of Tihama. In a statement, the office stressed that the killing of unarmed civilians by the Houthi militias is a full-fledged crime, adding to a series of similar militia crimes against the people of Hodeidah, and the human rights office demanded that the United Nations and its mission “UNMHA” take a firm stance to rescue civilians in the areas controlled by the Houthi militias, especially in Hodeidah, to stop violations against them, to return their looted properties and land by the militias without any legal justification, and to ensure their safety. The areas under the control of Houthi militias are witnessing daily crimes in an ugly way not seen by Yemenis, many of which are tolerated because the perpetrators are the leaders and members of the militias or are their associates.

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