
Houthi drones shot down by Yemeni military in Marib

Yemeni army forces successfully intercepted a drone belonging to the Iranian-backed Houthi militia in the eastern province of Marib on Wednesday.

In a brief statement issued by the Yemeni army, the forces’ statement saying they managed to shoot down a Houthi militias’ drone as it penetrated the southern front of Marib province.

The Iranian-made drone was shot down by the Yemeni army’s air defenses in the southern part of the oil province, home to the Yemeni Defense Ministry, the statement said.

A few days ago, the Yemeni army announced that it had shot down a number of drones belonging to the Houthi militia in their main stronghold in Saada Governorate, in the far north of the country.

The Houthi militia intensified the use of drones recently, coinciding with the entry into force of a humanitarian truce, with the Yemeni army and joint and southern forces dropping a number of booby-trapped drones on various fronts.

Since the truce came into effect on 2 April, Houthi militias have continued their military violations along the theater of operations in Marib, Hodeida, Taiz, Dhale, Hajjah, Saada, and al-Jawf.

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