
Houthi militia continued violating the truce, new massacre in western Yemen

A child was killed and seven children, including women, were wounded on Monday in a new air attack by Houthi militias in western Yemen, in a crime that threatens to undermine the UN truce.

In a new escalation against the fragile peace, the Houthis used drones to bomb the residential town of Al-Roun to the north of Hays District in southern Hodeidah Governorate, killing unarmed civilians.

A statement issued by the joint forces, said that at least one child was killed and seven others, women and children, were wounded in the direct bombardment carried out by the Houthi militias’ controlled air force on the populated town.

All the victims were from the same family, he said, and the child, Ayman Abdo Ahmed Bakr, died before medical teams from the joint forces arrived to rescue the victims.

Five women and one child were among the wounded at the field hospital in Mocha on the Red Sea, he said, condemning the massacre as a blatant blow to the UN truce.

The Iran-backed Houthis have stepped up their violations against the truce, including the deliberate and retaliatory shelling of civilian villages by drones firing indiscriminate and helicopter missiles from the air.

Over the past 48 hours, Houthi militias have committed 72 violations of the UN truce on the western coast, including 48 in the Hays axis south of Hodeida and 24 in the Bahr axis west of Taiz.

The escalation of violations by Houthi militias is a serious sign undermining the continuation of the truce, which was extended by two more months on June 2, according to the Yemeni government.

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