
Houthi militia financially supported by Iraqi militias affiliated with Iran

Pro-Iranian Iraqi militias continue to attack Gulf States and support Houthi terrorist militias. Iraqi authorities have been accused of carrying out the Baghdad airport attack to mix cards.

The security official of the Iraqi Party’s Abou Ali Askari Brigades militias attacked Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, calling on his militias to be fully prepared for any “emergency” that may occur after the recent developments between the Arab coalition and the Houthis, and announcing a donation of one billion Iraqi dinars to Houthi operations against the two Gulf countries.

In a tweet, Askari claimed that “the victories achieved by the axis of good and faith on the axis of evil and tyranny, especially on the skies of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, are a source of pride. As we see the crack of these evil states and the clear signs of their imminent disintegration and collapse, we must be fully prepared for any emergency or surprise in the region”.

Askari continued: “In order to fulfill its legitimate duty and support the vulnerable, Hezbollah brigade has donated one billion Iraqi dinars in support of the Houthi campaign, calling on all honorable people to contribute to this campaign, under the pretext that it supports the oppressed Yemeni people”.

Askari said: “We therefore affirm that the policy of mixing the cards adopted by the falsifiers of the elections and the corrupt will not work, the most recent of which is the targeting of Baghdad airport with rockets, which makes it imperative for the sincere leaders of the security services and the security services of the Popular Mobilization Forces to reveal these mercenaries and those behind them”.
“The hostile acts that started to recur in the western provinces, which target most of the Iraqi security agencies, are carried out by senior leaders in the current government, and those who are loyal must reveal them to the public and bring them to justice”, he said.

The Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades are accused of committing massacres against the Syrian people. They fight alongside the Syrian regime on Iranian orders, and they do not keep their loyalty to Iran until they have been called “loyalty factions” in Iraq, in addition to the militias of “Asa’ib”, “Harakat al-Nujaba” and others.

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