
Houthis and the Brotherhood… Calls for rapprochement against legitimacy

There have recently been many calls from the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen to get closer to the Houthi terrorist militia in order to confront the Yemeni army and the legitimate government after they were removed from the scene, according to the recent political agreement that resulted in the formation of the Presidential Council.

Adel al-Hassani, a Yemeni Muslim Brotherhood activist based in Turkey, called on the Islah Party – the Brotherhood’s arm in Yemen – to come closer to the Houthi militias affiliated with Iran in order to achieve common goals, as is the case with the Palestinian Hamas movement and Iran, Yemen News reported.

The activist, who is accused of terrorism, said in a Twitter post: “Hamas and Iran have strategic relations based on shared interests and fighting the common enemy, despite the two entities’ differences in ideology and doctrine”, he said, noting that this is what the Islah group has not yet understood by proposing rapprochement with the Houthis and achieving common goals, especially since there is a common enemy that is only interested in destroying Yemen.

Al-Hassani, who claims to be the president of the Forum for Peace and Ending the War in Yemen, said in another post that “peace is better than war, and rapprochement is better than divergence”, the same approach that the Islah party is implementing in an unannounced way, by handing over liberated positions to Houthi militias and undermining the security and stability of areas liberated from terrorist operations.

Available information indicates that al-Hassani was previously arrested on suspicion of supporting terrorism, but was released after tribal mediation, to flee abroad and begin a malicious campaign targeting the Arab coalition and Yemeni legitimacy.

Regarding the Houthi-Muslim Brotherhood rapprochement, Abdul Sattar Al-Shamiri, the head of the Yemen Studies Center, spoke about the violations of civilians in Yemen by the “Houthis” and the Islah Party, stressing that they are not simple, limited or hidden, but rather they are strong and multiple violations, and sometimes they have risen to what can be called “war crimes”, as there are many cases of direct execution without trial due to differences, or the charges brought against them, and these matters are met with local, regional and international rejection, whether in the “Houthis” areas, or the “Islah Party” areas in Marib and Taiz specifically.

In a press statement made at the end of last June, Al-Shamiri told Sputnik what he saw in Taiz, saying: “I was in the province during the Houthi takeover of the legitimate authority in Yemen, and I saw things that would destroy the heart, and then part of Taiz was liberated and administratively controlled by militias from the Islah party”.

He continued: “I have also witnessed the execution of young people, activists and politicians by Islah. The party has also committed many crimes in Yemen. The most famous Yemeni activists, Akram Hamid and Ayoub Al-Salhi, are still in secret prisons for Islah and no one knows anything about them. Many of my friends, intellectuals, writers and opinion-makers have also been eliminated, in addition to violations in prisons, the rape of children, and looting and theft”.

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