Middle east

Houthis Continue Committing Crimes – Details

The fronts in Yemen’s southern and western provinces of Marib have seen sporadic fighting between government forces and the Houthi terrorist militia, while the latter have intensified their bombardment of civilian areas in Taiz.

A military source told News Yemen: Clashes renewed on the fronts of Harib in the south and Mushagih in the west, following failed attempts by militia members to infiltrate the front lines, and deaths and injuries on both sides during the confrontations.

“In Taiz, Iran’s arm renewed its bombardment of populated areas in the western part of the governorate, and local residents said that since the beginning of Ramadan, Houthi militias have continued to target areas and villages in Qabna district with mortars and machine guns.”

The sources confirmed that the bombardment caused fear and panic among the residents, especially women and children, and Iran’s arm also targeted camps for displaced people in Al-Kadha in the west of Taiz province.

“Joint forces media reported that Iranian-backed militias fired five mortars as well as intense machine-gun fire towards IDP camps in Wadi al-Hanaya.”

“In Hodeidah Governorate, two civilians were killed by a landmine explosion left behind by Iranian-backed Houthi militias in Yemen.”

The Yemeni Mine Monitor said in a tweet yesterday that “Two workers were killed as a result of  mine explosion while working in the Jamshima district of Al-Hawali, east of Hodeidah city.”

In a related context to the crimes of the Houthis, the terrorist militias yesterday targeted the house of a citizen in the area of Haradh in Hajja Governorate, in northwestern Yemen, with the help of a drone.

The attack targeted a citizen’s house, seriously wounded his wife and daughter and transferred them to the Al-Moawsam Hospital in Saudi Arabia, the media in the Yemeni army’s 5th military district said.

“The Houthi militias continue to carry out repeated attacks on civilians and residential neighborhoods, using rockets, drones and snipers in most Yemeni governorates, especially those liberated from the government and controlled by the legitimate government.”

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