Middle east

Houthis showed remarkable confusion about Lenderking’s peace suggestion

Houthi spokesman, Mohamed Abdelsalam, sought to implicitly reverse his group’s quick rejection of a peace suggestion proposed by the US Special Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking by rewriting an explanation tweet to a presenter at Almasirah TV.

The presenter who interviewed Abdelsalam states that Houthi-controlled Sanaa did not refuse Oman-sponsored peace discussions; however; rather it showed hesitations about the present state of Lenderking’s peace plan. In the tweet, the presenter also says that the Iran-backed group is still engaged in talks about the peace plan’s frameworks.

On Friday, Abdelsalam, in his interview with Almasirah TV, refused Lenderking’s proposal and considered it as a conspiracy against Houthis. He also indicated that Houthis showed remarkable confusion towards the suggestion; the internationally recognized Yemeni government repeated its support for efforts to cease the war.

Otherwise, when he was speaking at an online forum organized by the Atlantic Council think tank on Friday, Lenderking repeated that applying a ceasefire in Yemen should be a priority for all warring parties. He also indicated that the Saudi-led Arab Coalition that is supporting the Yemeni government against coupist militias was ready to truly back peace efforts, affirming that Saudi Arabia’s leadership is providing full support to the US effort to stop the war in Yemen.

The US envoy also said that a sound plan for a nationwide ceasefire in Yemen has been presented to Houthi leadership for a number of days, however; it seems that the group is prioritizing a military attack to control Marib.

He also stated that the Iran-backed militia is giving priority to the campaign to control Marib more than suspending the war and moving relief to the Yemeni people.

Lenderking also alerted that Yemen will spiral into greater conflict and instability without ceasefire development, and stated that he would return to the region when Houthis are ready for discussions.

It should note that Houthis are the only party in the Yemeni war that remain rejects making any concessions and continues to intensify its military hostilities, particularly in the Marib governorate.

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