
How did Europe pay for its embrace of political Islam?

Europe pays the price for its embrace of political Islam after falling into a trap

Europe is only just beginning to realize how dangerous the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist organizations are for its people, after years of polarization and safe havens for these groups; hopefully as a card to pressure its enemies, despite messages and warnings from Arab leaders, who have long suffered from violence and chaos by extremist groups.

The Muslim Brotherhood and pro-MB extremist groups, through central Islamic councils and mosques, have managed to infiltrate European societies, forming pressure groups on Europe rather than a weapon of power against its enemies.

The French newspaper L’Observateur noted that the Brotherhood organization in Europe is considered the most dangerous group in the world, confirming that it is one of the most influential groups in the world.

European concern has dominated the political scene in the old continent, in conjunction with the increase in the danger of political Islam groups, due to security concerns arising from terrorist incidents carried out by those extremist groups on its territory. After being among the most welcoming people in the world to elements of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group and political Islam organizations, the European people today feel that they are paying the price for their mistakes, as some European politicians and decision makers have not considered their seriousness.

Over recent years, European countries have intensified the clampdown on the activities of political Islamist groups in an attempt to eliminate the extremist arms of those groups, most notably the introduction by Austria of a new law aimed at criminalizing religiously motivated political extremism.

The Brotherhood’s security crackdown did not stop in Austria alone, but was followed by several European countries, such as France, Germany, Switzerland and Britain, as part of efforts to counter extremist movements and associations that support violence.

Yasser Farawla, a researcher in political Islam affairs, said: Europe has yet to pay the price for attracting the Muslim Brotherhood’s terrorist elements, noting that Europe has provided safe haven to extremist groups; to be a pressure card for all the enemies of the western countries… When the leaders of the old continent were embarrassed in front of their people by terrorist operations carried out by these extremist groups, Europe launched campaigns to preserve face water, Arab Online reported.

The researcher in political Islam affairs explained that the Brotherhood provided important services to those European countries; This has led them to overlook the terrorist operations they are causing on their territory.

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