Middle east

How does the Muslim Brotherhood deal with its dissidents? 

A new attack launched by El-Ghamry Former Egyptian Brotherhood member Hossam El-Ghamry attacked the Brotherhood, accusing them of betrayal and treachery. He claimed that their only loyalty is to funding, and that their allegiance is to the movement and the international organization, not to their homelands.

El-Ghamry, in a statement to the Egyptian TV channel “Ten,” stated that the Brotherhood is obsessed with worldly pleasures to the point of superiority. They excel in manufacturing victimhood, which is considered a “business” – a means to attract large donations and funding.

He cited some writings of the former Brotherhood leader Ali Ashmawy, who confirmed in his books that he regrets joining the Muslim Brotherhood due to their criminal nature and inhumane schemes. El-Ghamry presented some of the fatwas issued by the Brotherhood, which deceive many of the absentees.

According to El-Ghamry, Ashmawy asserted that he was subjected to defamation and abuse by the Brotherhood in Egypt, inciting to assassinate him. When he considered escaping and distancing himself from them by moving to America, he found that their lies and rumors had preceded him there.

El-Ghamry added that he experienced Ashmawy’s ordeal when he was residing in Istanbul, in terms of defamation, abuse, misinformation, embezzlement of funds, division of donations, relying on fatwas to manipulate the youth, and pursuing and pressuring those who defected from the ranks of the Brotherhood.

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