Middle east

Human rights organizations condemn the Houthi verdict against Entisar al-Hammadi, what is the fate of the Yemeni model?

Twenty-three civil society organizations (NGOs) in Yemen condemned today the unjust sentence handed down by a court affiliated with the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militia to Yemeni artist and model Entisar al-Hammadi.

The group said in a joint statement that the ruling comes as part of a terrorist methodology practiced by the Houthi militia against women in Yemen. The organizations cloned the methods and means of terrorist organizations and dictatorial ideological regimes to suppress women and suppress their voices.

“The Houthi militias have committed all kinds of violations against Yemeni women including abductions, torture, enforced disappearances and death sentences, and have imposed restrictions on women’s personal freedoms similar to those of the Taliban and the Iranian regime”, the statement said.

He said that Yemeni women live in areas controlled by the Houthi gang, and are living under difficult conditions considered the worst in Yemen’s history. In addition to the violations practiced by militias against women activists and human rights defenders, Yemeni women in general are subjected to violence, exclusion, ignorance and restriction of their freedom.

The statement said the Houthi gang is pursuing a policy of excluding women from public work, participating in the defense of rights and freedoms, and restricting their freedom intentionally by taking a number of actions and decisions that are contrary to Yemeni law and constitution.

The statement called on the international community, international organizations, and the United Nations to urgently exert pressure on the Houthi militia to release Entisar al-Hammadi and his colleagues, and to pressure the Houthi militias to stop violations against Yemeni women and release all female detainees in their prisons.

He also called on the international community to pressure the Houthi gang to cancel all decisions, measures and restrictions imposed on Yemeni women in the past to undermine the rights, freedoms and gains guaranteed by the Yemeni constitution, the legislation in force and international agreements. He also called for effective mechanisms to protect Yemeni women from the violence of the militia and not to diminish their rights and position.

Last Sunday, the so-called Court of Appeal of the Houthi militia in the capital Sanaa issued a ruling that extended the prison term of Entisar al-Hammadi, five years.

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