
In Yemen, Houthi militia uses hunger as a weapon – Details

The Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militia continues its systematic crimes aimed at impoverishing and starving citizens in Sana’a and its neighboring governorates for the seventh year in a row since it seized state institutions in September 2014; it has raised the prices of basic foodstuffs, imposed levies, looted land and property, raised the prices of electricity, water, education, and health services, and turned free services into investment projects in its favor.

In a new measure, the Houthi militia reduced the size of bread loaves in a new war that targets citizens’ food and the food of their children, in light of the growing famine, the increasing incidence of begging among women and children, and the piracy of Ramadan and Eid handouts by merchants.

A number of bakery owners in Sanaa said they received Houthi instructions from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, run by the Houthi militia in Sanaa, to reduce the size of bread disks of all types after raising their prices to about 100 riyals for between 4 and 5 disks.

Local sources and residents in Sanaa from various neighborhoods revealed for their part the closure by the Houthi militia of a number of bakeries and bakeries, who rejected directives to reduce the size of bread disks, before a number of these bakeries resumed work again according to unannounced agreements with the group.

The sources quoted social researcher Ali Al-Nahmi as saying: “The starvation and exhaustion of society in Sanaa and its neighboring governorates is a march in the steps of the Imamate Priesthood in accordance with the methodology of impoverishing Yemenis, sucking their blood and humiliating them”, he said, adding that what the Houthi militia is doing in this context “are war crimes, war crimes against humanity, mass killings and terrorist acts”.

At the same time, he denounced “the absence of these issues in the so-called truce consultations and the silence of the international community and the United Nations towards these crimes”.

I would like to announce that the parties to the conflict have agreed to the UN proposal to renew the current truce in Yemen for an additional two months, UN Yemen envoy Hans Grundberg said in a statement on the official UN website.

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