Increase in terrorist organization crimes since the beginning of 2025… What are the details?

The indicator of terrorist operations continued to rise for the second consecutive month since the beginning of the year, with a noticeable increase of 42.8% in February 2025 compared to the previous month, according to statistics published by the Al-Azhar Observatory for Counter-Extremism.
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This rise coincided with an even greater increase in the number of victims, at 81.6%. In January 2025, terrorist organizations carried out four terrorist operations, resulting in 18 deaths and 10 injuries.
According to the statistics, the Democratic Republic of the Congo topped the list of the most affected countries, a country facing ongoing challenges due to the wars and armed conflicts ravaging it. The DRC alone accounted for more than half of the terrorist operations carried out by extremist groups in the region, led by the Allied Democratic Forces, which carried out four terrorist operations, representing 57.1% of the total operations, causing 90 deaths, or 91.8% of the total victims.
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Cameroon recorded two terrorist operations, representing 28.6% of the total operations, resulting in five deaths, or 5.1% of the total victims. In Chad, one terrorist operation occurred, representing 14.3% of the total operations, resulting in the deaths of three people, or 3.1% of the total victims.
As part of efforts to combat terrorist organizations in Central Africa, the toll of terrorist deaths in February stood at six, with 16 others arrested. The Chadian army managed to eliminate five terrorist elements and arrest 16 others, while the Cameroonian army neutralized one terrorist from the Nigerian Boko Haram group.
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The indicator shows a significant decrease in the number of terrorist deaths in February 2025 compared to the previous month, with a 25% reduction. In January 2025, the number of terrorist deaths was 24, with six others arrested.
The February 2025 statistics also revealed a significant increase in terrorist operations and civilian casualties, alongside a decrease in the number of terrorist deaths, indicating a shift in the tactics of terrorist groups. These groups seem to be moving toward indirect attacks, such as suicide bombings and assassinations carried out by “lone wolves,” aiming to cause a higher number of victims while minimizing losses within their ranks and maintaining their media and psychological impact on society.
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The Al-Azhar Observatory concluded that combating terrorist threats requires adopting a comprehensive strategy combining community awareness, international security cooperation, the use of modern technologies, proactive response, and a multidimensional approach integrating military solutions with social and economic strategies to address the root causes of extremism.