
Iran – Khamenei’s niece ends strike in response to the request of her family

Iranian opposition politician Mahmoud Moradkhani said on Saturday that his sister, human rights activist and political opposition, Farideh Moradkhani, ended her hunger strike in Qarchak prison south of Tehran.

Farideh Moradkhani is the mother of Badri Hosseini, the sister of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and 82-year-old Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who has three siblings and one sister.

“His sister has ended her hunger strike,” Mahmoud Moradkhani, Farideh Moradkhani’s brother, who lives in France, tweeted on his official Twitter account.

“Farideh Moradkhani broke her hunger strike because of her family’s request, and although the authorities did not heed her well-founded request to be transferred to Evin Prison (north Tehran), she remains among the non-political prisoners in Qarchak Prison, south of Tehran,” he said.

Six days ago, activist Farideh Moradkhani began her hunger strike in Qarchak Prison, to protest her whereabouts and the security authorities’ disregard for not having transferred her to Evin Prison in northern Tehran.

Qarchak Women’s Prison south of Tehran is one of Iran’s most dangerous prisons because of the psychological and physical torture inflicted on detainees.

On December 10, a special court for clerics in the capital, Tehran, sentenced Farideh Moradkhani, the niece of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, to three years in prison for attacking her uncle and calling for the overthrow of the regime.

Farideh was arrested on November 27, after she released a video in which she said, “The Iranian people will overthrow the regime and will not ask for support in this regard.”

Farideh Moradkhani addressed the international community and human rights organizations, saying, “For how long will this silence continue regarding the regime’s crimes against Iranian women and men? The experience of the November 2019 protests and other protests was not enough, and it witnessed the killing of thousands of Iranians.”

She also called on the IRGC and the Basij to come to their senses before it is too late and join the ranks of the people.

She reiterated her message to international human rights organizations, “Do not leave the Iranian people alone, and do not stop issuing statements and denunciations. Practical steps must be taken against the current regime led by Ali Khamenei.”

In the video, Moradkhani harshly criticized the international community, the United Nations and European politicians, and called on all peoples of the world not to leave Iranian women, men and children alone.

“The world should withdraw ambassadors and diplomatic missions from Tehran and expel Iranian ambassadors and diplomats from their countries as an example of support for the Iranian people who will continue their protests at all costs,” she said.

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