
Iran seeks to spread chaos with the help of Nasrallah and Haniyeh – Details

Successive crises and international pressure on the Iranian regime, the primary supporter of Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine, have negatively affected the flow of financial aid and Iranian support to them; this affects the implementation of their plans and impedes the implementation of their objectives of destabilizing security and stability in the region.

Alliance of Evil

Continuing the alliance of evil in the region between the two terrorist groups, Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of the Lebanese “Hezbollah” group, received in the southern suburb of Beirut, Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of “Hamas”, informed sources confirmed that the two terrorist groups met to discuss the crisis of their weak finances in light of international pressure on Iran; This has had a major impact on finance, especially as global economic crises have worsened since the start of the Russo-Ukrainian war.

Iranian sponsorship

Dr. Tawfiq Shoman, a Lebanese political analyst, confirmed that the meeting between Nasrallah and a delegation from the Hamas movement was sponsored by Tehran, as they depend entirely on the funds that reach them from Tehran. He added that Tehran plays the role of an alternative supporting the leaders of those two terrorist movements, as the Iranian support aims to implement common agendas in the Middle East region, based on division and stirring up sedition and toppling the ruling regimes.

The Lebanese political analyst added: that Iran has employed political Islamist groups to carry out its destructive agenda in the region, he pointed out that the statement that came out of the meeting is meager and shows that the meeting took place within the framework of coordination on confronting Israel, and this is not true, but that those people only target their interests at the expense of the interests of the countries.

Area threat

Dr. Jehad El-Harazin, a leader in the Palestinian Fatah movement, said that Hamas is one of the armed arms of the Muslim Brotherhood, which receives great support from Tehran. Hamas became Iran’s arm in Palestine, and this meeting between Hamas and Hezbollah was to implement Iran’s subversive plans in the region.

He said that Iranian support for these groups is motivated by the implementation of the subversive project on which the Mullahs’ state relies to overthrow and weaken the Middle East countries to achieve hegemony and hijack the resources and capabilities of states, in addition to exploiting the two movements to stir up sedition, provoke the peoples, attempt to overthrow the political regimes, and strike at the security stability of all the countries of the region.

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