Middle east

Iraq besieges ISIS… targeting terrorist leaders and elements 

Iraq is continuing its efforts to fight the terrorist group Daesh through extensive efforts led by Iraqi security agencies to eliminate the terrorist organization Daesh. The Fursan al-Haq operation, carried out by Baghdad against Daesh, resulted in the death of 22 terrorists, including two senior leaders, and led to major developments in the war against the organization, which is seeking to collect its scattered cells in several cities.

Strong confrontation

Abdel-Wahab al-Saadi, head of the Counter-Terrorism Service, announced the killing of 22 ISIS members in Anbar Governorate, including the so-called “Wali of Fallujah” called Barzan Hussein Ali, adding in a press conference that after monitoring the information obtained by The intelligence was planning the operation, which took place in two phases, the first was an airdrop in an area close to the presence of terrorists, and the second was moving the units secretly.

According to estimates published in a United Nations Security Council report in February, the group has “between 5,000 and 7,000 members and supporters spread between Iraq” and Syria, “about half of whom are fighters.

Iraq’s Victories

Iraqi writer and analyst Lena Mazloum says that the country is playing a major role in countering terrorism to eliminate the remnants of ISIS terrorists who are seeking to return to the scene through underground movements in the country, pointing out that Iraq has achieved major successes against the terrorist group, explaining that all of this is the result of continuous security, intelligence and military cooperation between the Iraqi forces and the international coalition, selecting and striking influential targets that prevent the organization from blaming its cells.

The Iraqi analyst added that Iraq will continue its victories against these terrorist groups that seek to exploit the situation and crises in order to return to achieve their goals and ambitions in controlling the scene in Iraq, which the Iraqi state will fail.

ISIS remains active in Iraq despite counter-terrorism efforts, she said, particularly as the group has operated in Iraq in “mountainous rural areas, taking advantage of the porous Iraqi-Syrian border, and its activities have been concentrated in Iraq at a logistical theater in Anbar (west), Ninawa and Mosul (north), and an operating theater including Kirkuk (north), Diyala (northeast), Salaheddine (north) and North Baghdad”.

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