
Iraq: UN Condemns and Calls on the Security Council to Open an Investigation in Turkish Aggression

The dispute between Iraq and Turkey over a recent deadly attack in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq escalated during an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on Tuesday evening. The Iraqi Foreign Minister demanded the withdrawal of all Turkish forces from his country, while the Turkish Deputy Ambassador said that his government will continue to pursue the fighters whom it considers terrorists who have taken refuge in Iraq.

Security Council

The Washington Post confirmed that the Iraqi government sought the meeting after the July 20 mortar attack that killed nine Iraqi tourists and injured 33 others. Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein said: The government has “evidence” that the Turkish armed forces were responsible, while Turkey denied responsibility for the attack and blamed militants from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which Ankara and the West consider a terrorist organization. At the beginning of the Security Council meeting, the UN Special Envoy for Iraq said that Turkey and Iraq were ready to conduct a joint investigation into the artillery shelling of the resort of al Barsha in the Zakho region of the semi-autonomous Kurdish region.

UN envoy Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert said that interim Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi in a conversation on Monday stressed “the importance of a transparent and comprehensive investigation, independent or joint”. He was quoted as saying that it is necessary to put an end to speculation, denial, misunderstanding and escalating tensions, while Iraq called on the UN Security Council to form an “independent international investigation team” to look into what he called the “flagrant aggression” of the Turkish army. The Iraqi Foreign Minister later told reporters that Iraq was also ready to conduct a joint investigation with Turkey, but said “they have not contacted us” and “never sent a formal letter about an investigation”.

International condemnation

The Security Council issued a list, condemning the attack on the resort “in the strongest terms”, expressing support for the Iraqi authorities “in their investigations”, and urging all states to cooperate with the Iraqi government “and all other relevant parties to support these investigations”. The council did not mention Turkey’s direct involvement but its statement indirectly pointed to Ankara’s involvement, according to the Washington Post.

Diplomats said: “The chances of the council approving a resolution demanding the withdrawal of Turkish troops from Iraq are slim, especially given Turkey’s key role in the recently announced deal to export much-needed cereals from Ukraine and grains and fertilizer from Russia to countries facing food shortages, high prices and widespread hunger, but it would be a major international pressure on Turkey to reverse its decision and stop any aggression against neighboring countries”.

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