
Is lying a fundamental doctrine in the Muslim Brotherhood?

Researcher in extremist movements and international terrorism, Munir Adib, states that lying is not an exceptional case within the Muslim Brotherhood and is not only related to the modern history of the organization and its political practices, but also tied to the early stages of the organization’s foundation and its first founder, Hassan al-Banna, almost 100 years ago.

In an article published in (Al-Youm Al-Sabea) titled “The Muslim Brotherhood are Liars,” Adib adds that Hassan al-Banna was deceitful and not straightforward in presenting his ideas or in his political practices. The evidence for this is that he refused to inform his followers and supporters about the organization’s intentions during its early phases, which was clear in the message from the fifth conference in 1938, which was shocking to many followers and supporters. It revealed the true nature of the organization and its cunning founder, who completely changed the group’s direction.

Adib continues: “At the fifth conference, Hassan al-Banna decided to involve his then 10-year-old organization in politics and also decided at the same conference to use violence, creating a military wing called the fifth system at the time. The lie is evident here as he did not declare his intention to engage in politics or use violence until he had assured a large number of people of their affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood.”

The researcher adds: “At that moment, the organization transitioned from a preaching group to a political and violent group, thereby implicating the supporters and followers who had pledged allegiance to the organization at that time. I believe the initial founder intended from the very first moment of the organization’s creation to engage in violent political activity, but he lied to his supporters until he had trapped them!”

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