
Islamic Brotherhood in Germany in 2023… Authorities clamp down on the organization 

The year 2023 was decisive in combating the Muslim Brotherhood in Germany, as the revelation of financial fraud by the Brotherhood in Frankfurt began, culminating in the submission of a new parliamentary resolution to combat the group and political Islam currents.

At the beginning of last summer, the scene was dominated by the Islamic Center in Frankfurt raising donations for the construction of a massive mosque and events center in the German city. A piece of land next to its headquarters was purchased for this purpose, according to the German newspaper “Welt am Sonntag.”

However, an investigation by the German newspaper revealed that this Islamic center is not listed as the purchaser of the land intended for the mosque in the land registry. Instead, the German Muslim community, the main arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Germany and subject to surveillance by the domestic intelligence agency, is listed instead of the Islamic Center in Frankfurt in the land registry.

Based on this, the German newspaper drew attention to the possibility of a crime of fraud in donations and misleading donors, as the original owner of the money disappeared from view while another party collected the donations.

Shortly after this financial scandal, the branch of the Brandenburg State Office for the Protection of the Constitution (domestic intelligence) unexpectedly classified the Islamic Center in Fürstenwalde as an “extremist effort.”

The mosque “Al-Salam,” run by the Islamic Center, was also classified as a “monitored place” by the agency due to extremism. Michael Stübgen, the Minister of the Interior in Brandenburg, stated in press statements that the “Islamic Center in Fürstenwalde is part of the Hamas movement classified as terrorist in Germany, and the Muslim Brotherhood.” He added that the Islamic Center “acts against the fundamental democratic order… we cannot accept that.”

According to the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the actions of the Islamic Center and its affiliated mosque “violate Germany’s foreign interests and the idea of international understanding,” exposing youth and children to “extremist ideas.”

Meanwhile, a recent report from the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Brandenburg showed that organizations linked to the Muslim Brotherhood in Germany pursue a long-term conspiratorial strategy to influence the political and social spheres to serve the group’s ideology.

In December of this year, the German parliament (Bundestag) discussed a draft resolution aimed at combating political Islam, including the Muslim Brotherhood. The draft was referred to the Interior Affairs Committee for study and preparation of a report before being reintroduced for further general discussion.

The resolution is titled “Effectively Combating Political Islam and Foreign Influence on German Muslims” and states that “visas should not be issued to individuals directly or indirectly subject to a foreign state, who are supposed to work in a religious organization in Germany.

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