
Jordan entered a new phase of development under the leadership of King Abdullah II

Jordan is celebrating its second centenary, as the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has moved into a new era of development under the leadership of King Abdullah II, bypassing many countries in the region in a number of areas, foremost among them the health sector, the promotion of the natural gas industry, the development of the transportation network, as well as the strengthening of the Jordanian unity among the various tribes, as all sects and tribes in Jordan have joined together on the successes of the Jordanian King.

Health sector development

The health sector in Jordan has undergone significant development, moving beyond the region’s countries, especially in the field of medical tourism, by developing historic areas where millions of people flock to seek treatment every year.

Under King Abdullah II, Jordan has also seen the construction of hundreds of hospitals and medical centers, as well as huge donations and assistance to the health sector, which has pushed Jordan through the coronavirus crisis.

Among the most prominent achievements of King Abdullah II in the field of health are:
The inclusion of all families whose salary is less than 300 dinars in the health insurance program, the inclusion of all cancer patients in the Jordanian health insurance, pursuant to Decision No. 116 of the Council of Ministers, and the increase in the percentage of citizens who are insured in Jordan from 18% in 2000 to 66.9% in 2018.

Popular loyalty

At each occasion, the Jordanian people seek to renew their loyalty to the King and show their pride in his achievements and their faith in his ability to achieve more aspirations and achievements.

Since taking the throne 23 years ago, King Abdullah has kept the Jordanian citizen and public interest in mind.

Raising the living standards of citizens and improving the level of services provided to them were the king’s top priorities and the core of his concerns.

The comprehensive reform process began with the broadening of popular participation and the involvement of citizens in decision-making, through the adoption of a package of laws and reform legislation, as well as the constant directive of successive governments to protect the lower income groups and the middle class during the implementation of financial reforms and to alleviate the suffering of citizens in various circumstances.

Job creation

Since his first day, King Abdullah II has been working to create jobs and organize learning workshops to advance an economic roadmap for the coming years.

In 2019, King Abdullah II issued a directive to develop practical plans to create job opportunities for young people and reduce unemployment as the top priority.

He also directed the government to hold intensive meetings with young people and strengthen partnership with the private sector to provide more job opportunities for young people.

The king called on all officials to provide opportunities for young people to unleash their creativity and energy, and to communicate with them to understand their concerns and aspirations.


Jordan has become a model for education in the region, with students from all over the world coming to receive education and scholarships in Jordan.

The educational system has been characterized by its many achievements, which have positively reflected in the development of the educational process in all its components. Educational initiatives have been important milestones in transferring education and in promoting its institutions.

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