Jordanians stand by King Abdullah II’s wise leadership in the process of development and modernization

The Jordanians, sovereign of their country, His Majesty King Abdullah II, son of Hussein, exchange love and loyalty with love and loyalty, where they celebrate every year, on February 7, the seventeenth anniversary of Honor and Benevolence, the memory of loyalty to the late His Majesty King Hussein bin Talal, that God grants peace to his soul, and the oath of allegiance to His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Hussein, who took his constitutional powers in 1999, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
Jordanians look forward with pride and hope to the achievements of the reign of King Abdullah II, who followed the approach of his fathers and grandfathers from Bani Hashim in completing the process of modernization, development. Every year, Jordan’s sons and daughters renew their allegiance to their King, His Majesty King Abdullah II.
This strong allegiance, and the deep attachment of the Jordanian people to their King, is not the result of a coincidence. It is the result of the efforts made by the person seated on the throne to modernize and develop the country to the level of developed countries.
The commitment of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Hussein to work to modernize the country and to achieve the aspirations of the Jordanian people for a decent life began in the era of June 9, 1999, when, in a historic scene before the National Assembly, he took the constitutional oath, pledging to continue the march and to strengthen what was built by fathers and grandfathers, who made enormous sacrifices to raise the country and prosper.
For 22 years, King Abdullah II has been committed to the Hashemite approach based on the tolerant Islamic faith and belonging to the Arab and Islamic nation, based on contemporary visions of the present and the future. Since his ascension to the throne, he has also devoted his efforts domestically to institutionalizing democracy and political pluralism, and to moving towards sustainability in economic growth and social development.
The king also gave top priority to strengthening Jordan’s reform and democratic process in various fields, protecting intellectual and political pluralism, encouraging programmatic parties, and respecting human dignity and freedoms in thought, expression and political action.
On the external front, the King of Jordan has worked to strengthen the positive and moderate role of the Kingdom in the Arab world and to make efforts to find a just, lasting and comprehensive solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict on the basis of the two-State solution on the 1967 borders, East Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian State.
He has also insisted on strengthening Jordan’s international relations and its pivotal role in working for peace and regional stability, and on the Kingdom remaining the bearer of the torch of the great Arab revolution and on the issues of the Arab and Islamic nations and the future aspirations of its people, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause.
On the Arab level, King Abdullah II spared no effort to unify the Arab ranks and strengthen Jordan’s relations with its Arab brothers and with various friendly countries around the world in an integrated path that Jordanians who aspire to make the Kingdom a model in terms of progress and prosperity, building a modern state and achieving comprehensive and sustainable development.
Therefore, on the 22nd Royal Seating, Jordanians renew their allegiance to the Hashemite leadership in a Charter of Loyalty and Giving that explains a bright spot in the Kingdom’s modern history. This pledge also confirms the King’s efforts in the cohesion of the Jordanian people and the unity of the Jordanian people.