Jordan’s second centenary: King Abdullah’s achievements to serve his people and tribes

Jordan’s second centenary will begin within a few days, coinciding with the kingdom’s development and meeting the needs of citizens under the patronage and leadership of King Abdullah.
Over the past two years, King Abdullah has managed to take Jordan out of the narrow tunnel to the widest road, protecting it from the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and defying the negative effects of COVID-19.
King Abdullah health sector support
The health sector in Jordan under Hashemite leadership has undergone considerable development over the past 100 years since the establishment of the Emirate of East Jordan in 1921. Under King Abdullah II, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has a large number of hospitals and an advanced medical network affiliated with the public and private sectors.
Medical services in Jordan are characterized by the modernity of hospitals and medical centers and the presence of some of the world’s most important specialists in treating various diseases.
King Abdullah II ordered the development of the Hussein Medical City, which has become one of the most important medical centers in the region and the world, in addition to a group of large hospitals in various cities of the Kingdom that provide Jordanians with the highest services and host a number of distinguished physicians and surgeons at the international level.
Under the chairmanship of His Majesty King Abdullah II, the strengthening and development phase of health services has been marked by many advances and improvements in the field of health, Jordan being one of the countries most concerned with health. 9.3% of GNP is devoted to health. Health indicators have changed. Health indicators have improved as the Kingdom has witnessed an improvement in key health indicators, which reflects the development and expansion of health services throughout the Kingdom. We can cite examples where life expectancy at birth increased from 69.8 to around 73 in 2017 and the neonatal mortality rate fell from 16 to 11 per 1,000 live births. The infant mortality rate has decreased from 22 to 170 per 1000 live births, and the infant mortality rate has decreased from 22 to 17,000 per 1,000 live births. 10 live births, and we add here to the development of health services according to global health developments and developments, followed by supporting the work of health services of all types: preventive, curative, specialized, advanced and rehabilitative.
The percentage of Jordanian citizens who are insured rose from 18% to 66.9% in 2018. Jordanian citizens aged 60 years and over were insured, families whose monthly income does not exceed 300 dinars were insured, and 300,000 citizens covered by the social safety net whose per capita income is less than 1,000 dinars per year. Children under 6 years and pregnant women were covered by health insurance. All cancer patients (uninsured) were considered to be covered by civil health insurance, some chronic diseases with expensive treatments. Recently, 138072 citizens were insured under the supplementary support program more than 73%, despite a doubling of the population and waves of asylum in Jordan.
Jordanian people’s loyalty to King Abdullah
This has led the Jordanian people to pledge loyalty and obedience to King Abdullah, especially for his efforts to unite Jordanians, renounce racism and extremism, and have long seen Jordan as a pillar of stability in the volatile Middle East.
The Jordanians, the King of their country, His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Hussein, exchange love and loyalty. They commemorate the seventeenth anniversary of Honor and Benevolence, the memory of loyalty to the late His Majesty King Hussein bin Talal, that God grants peace to his soul, and the oath of allegiance to His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Hussein, who took his constitutional powers in 1999, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
Jordanians look forward with pride and hope to the achievements of the reign of King Abdullah II, who followed the approach of his fathers and grandfathers from Bani Hashim in completing the process of modernization, development. Every year, Jordan’s sons and daughters renew their allegiance to their King, His Majesty King Abdullah II.
This strong allegiance, and the deep attachment of the Jordanian people to their King, is not the result of a coincidence. It is the result of the efforts made by the person seated on the throne to modernize and develop the country to the level of developed countries.
The commitment of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Hussein to work to modernize the country and to achieve the aspirations of the Jordanian people for a decent life began in the era of June 9, 1999, when, in a historic scene before the National Assembly, he took the constitutional oath, pledging to continue the march and to strengthen what was built by fathers and grandfathers, who made enormous sacrifices to raise the country and prosper.