
King of Morocco: We will not allow anyone to harm our brothers in Algeria

Moroccan King Mohammed VI rejected on Saturday any abuse of Algeria and its people, stressing his keenness to promote rapprochement and understanding between the two peoples.

In his speech on the occasion of Throne Day, King Mohammed VI said that the borders that divide the brotherly peoples of Morocco and Algeria will never be borders that close the atmosphere of communication and understanding between them, stressing that Rabat, which he said is keen to promote rapprochement and understanding between the two peoples, will not allow anyone to harm our brothers in Algeria.

King Mohammed VI called on Moroccans to continue their good-neighborly approach to neighboring Algeria, saying: “Algerians will find us by their side in all circumstances.”

The Moroccan monarch stressed that the “allegations” accusing Moroccans of insulting Algeria are an attempt to ignite the flames of strife between the two brotherly peoples.

While calling on the government to facilitate the entry of foreign investments into Rabat, the King stressed that the efforts of the state and the public and private sectors have joined forces to stand in the face of commitments and fluctuations, and have achieved positive results in various productive sectors.

Nevertheless, he said that the construction of Morocco would be possible only with the participation of all Moroccan citizens and with the full participation of Moroccan women in all fields.

On the COVID-19 crisis, the Moroccan monarch said that his country has made “great efforts” to face the repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic, noting that the pandemic has affected various economic and social fields and has affected vulnerable and poor groups.

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