Middle east

Lebanese Analyst: Internal Divisions within the Muslim Brotherhood after Iranian and Hezbollah Alignment with the Group

Despite the fact that the Islamic Group represents the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in Lebanon, which is supposed to operate from its Sunni base and address its concerns in a country characterized by its institutional sectarian situation, the group is plagued by conflicting allegiances to external entities.

What is happening?

The Brotherhood’s attempts to secure allegiances are carried out in collaboration with the powerful lobby of the Hamas movement, which places the interests of the movement above considerations for Lebanon’s troubled situation, amidst significant complexities and the near-total collapse of all national institutions following years of Hezbollah’s dominance and the country’s transformation into an Iranian proxy in the region. Meanwhile, the other faction of the group aligns itself with Turkey.

Lebanese reports indicate that the multiple external allegiances of the Muslim Brotherhood in Lebanon, similar to the mother group in Egypt and its branches in various Arab and Islamic countries, present another contradiction for the group. The contradiction lies in its commitment to the broader Sunni line in Lebanon, considering that the group is fundamentally from the Lebanese Sunni community. The group found itself in a difficult position and faced contradictions during the Gulf crisis in 2016, exemplifying the internal conflicts experienced by the organization.

Leaders within the Muslim Brotherhood have urged their sole representative in Parliament, Imad Hout, to moderate his political statements and align with the group’s general line, which seeks accommodation with Hezbollah.

Divisions and Disagreements

Bassel al-Turjman, a Lebanese political analyst, states that despite the political divergences among Sunni entities in Lebanon, which seek to fill the void left by the Future Movement’s withdrawal from political life, the Islamic group, representing the ideology and beliefs of the Muslim Brotherhood, goes against the tide.

The Lebanese political analyst further adds that the Muslim Brotherhood has worked through its schemes to improve relations with Hezbollah, with support from Hamas, in order to ensure vital Iranian support. He highlights that this state of rapprochement has led to sharp divisions within the group concerning their stance towards Hezbollah.

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