
Liberman: The war will end when Hezbollah is completely removed 

Following mutual warnings regarding the war on Gaza, Avigdor Liberman, the head of the “Yisrael Beiteinu” party, called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to completely remove Hezbollah, after he demanded on Sunday to move the Lebanese Hezbollah forces inside Lebanon, beyond the Litani River.

Liberman commented on the escalation on the Lebanese front, according to Israeli Channel 12: “It shouldn’t be just a reaction… Hezbollah‘s provocations should not be tolerated, and the war should end when Hezbollah is completely removed.” 

At the same time, Lieberman attacked Benjamin Netanyahu, after the latter disavowed the security failure on October 7, and opposition leader Yair Lapid joined the attack, adding that Netanyahu “does not intend to hand over the position of prime minister to anyone, nor does he intend to acknowledge that his concept has collapsed.”

Lieberman added, “We see ongoing attempts by him to shift responsibility to someone else… The responsibility falls entirely on Netanyahu, first and foremost.” The Israeli Channel 12 reported: After it was reported that the prime minister believes that he should study the effects of the manifestations of disobedience during the protests against the controversial judicial amendment, and its possible impact on the decision of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar to carry out attacks on October 7, Lieberman said, “Yesterday, Netanyahu blamed the reserve soldiers for why Sinwar decided to start the war… All the messages he has issued since the beginning of the war are a serious and deliberate blow to national security and to the reserve soldiers who stopped the attack on the Supreme Court, and now they are facing Hamas.”

Lieberman continued, saying, “Netanyahu will not hand over the reins to anyone, he does not recognize that his concept has collapsed, and he has been trying since the first moment to shift the responsibility to someone else… I expect Netanyahu to resign… We do not have to go to elections… Let Likud appoint someone else in his place.” The head of the National Security Committee in the Israeli Knesset said on Sunday: “If we do not eliminate the Lebanese Hezbollah, we will find ourselves facing a new October 7,” referring to the “Operation Storm al-Aqsa” battle announced by Hamas last month.

It has been a month since the start of “Operation Storm al-Aqsa,” carried out by the Palestinian movement Hamas on Israeli settlements adjacent to the Gaza Strip, resulting in the killing of 1,400 Israelis and the capture of more than 240 others.

Since then, Israel has been waging an asymmetric war, bombing Gaza by land, sea, and air, hitting schools, hospitals, and mosques, using hundreds of thousands of tons of large bombs and deadly weapons.

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