
Libyan Brotherhood and al-Ghariani: The war of terrorism protects the Mufti of blood

Libya’s Muslim Brotherhood continued to defend the Grand Mufti, who was dismissed by parliament, Sadiq al-Ghariani, who issued controversial fatwas.

Al-Ghariani, who has long stoked war and fire with his extremist fatwas, has become a link to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood organization, especially since he is the primary engine of the group’s military wing, the radical militias that are spread in the west of the country.

With Libyans disenchanted with the Mufti and his fatwas – which have been their cause for years and also caused the House of Representatives to remove him on November 9, 2014 – the Brotherhood continues to defend him relentlessly.

On Sunday, in a post on his personal Facebook page, Abdel Razzaq Al-Aradi, a leader in the Libyan Islamic Justice and Construction Party, defended the deposed Mufti Sadeq al-Ghariani as “immorality”.

Al-Aradi, a senior member of the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood, said in his post: “To ridicule, condemn or reject the Mufti’s virtue is immorality,” the Brotherhood’s version of free speech seems to be.

“When you disagree with Grand Mufti Sheikh Sadiq al-Ghariani on political issues that people usually disagree with, this is fine,” al-Aradi said. “I have repeatedly disagreed with him on issues such as the political agreement and Geneva, and his position on the UN.”

But according to Al-Aradi’s publication, “To mock him, or to stick to him, or to reject him, is immorality and bad manners. Those who do not repent are the unjust.”

From his support for terrorist organizations, foremost among them Ansar al-Sharia and ISIS, to his incitement against the country’s parliament, his renunciation of the support of the leader and members of the Libyan National Army, and his betrayal of participants in dialogs aimed at resolving the country’s crisis, all the while considering the support of the new legitimate government, which was mandated by the elected parliament, as “God’s wrath”, Libya’s isolated mufti was the primary cause of the country’s instability over the past decade.

Yet the Brotherhood continues to support and defend al-Ghariani in every way – not even successive governments in Tripoli have dared to approach his Tanasuh channel.

Abdullah al-Mishiti, a Libyan expert on terrorist groups, said, “The reason for the Brotherhood’s defense of the mufti is no doubt that they found their weakness in him in the absence of a point of reference, that is, the absence of the organization’s general controller”.

The matter is different, according to what al-Mishiti explained, stressing that “the observer is the one who leads the Brotherhood, but in the case of the isolated Mufti, the Brotherhood leads him and harnesses him to serve their agendas”.

However, according to Abdullah al-Mishiti, “The group and the mufti express an undeclared alliance by converging their interests.. The Mufti provides the Brotherhood with fatwas that serve their goals. In return, the Brotherhood provides the Mufti with moral support, which keeps him at the top as a spiritual father, something the Mufti wants after his isolation and isolation”.

“The Brotherhood’s plan has not changed since the foundation of the group”, he said. “It depends entirely on the use of religion, and therefore the organization will not find a better position than a man in the position of the Grand Mufti to use it”.

“The presence of the Mufti serves the Brotherhood along the line”, he said, adding that his country “has gone through periods of awakening by the militias that are driven by the Brotherhood. Those militias, especially non-ideological ones, who are only interested in money from implementing the instructions of the organization that used it, but the Mufti’s fatwas brought those militias back under the control of the Brotherhood”.

The Libyan expert tells a story he witnessed years ago, saying that “in 2014, and before the start of the Libyan army’s war against the extremist groups led at that time by the Ansar al-Sharia organization in Benghazi, we sat with the Mufti in Tripoli before his removal”. 

“At the time, we spoke with him and we explained the danger of Ansar al-Sharia’s ideology and their alliance with ISIS and their infidelity to the Libyans”, he said. Sadiq al-Ghariani was convinced at the time and said he was absent from all that information and what Ansar al-Sharia is doing.

He continued: “At that time, we promised Sadiq al-Ghariani to issue a statement condemning Ansar al-Sharia and showing the sharia ruling in takfir”.

“However, just five hours after the leaders of political Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood met with him, we were surprised when he issued a statement calling for supporting Ansar al-Sharia on the pretext that they want to apply sharia rule and establish a state of Islam, and that they are revolutionaries who fought the tyrant Gaddafi regime and liberated Libyans,” he said.

“This was a great surprise to everyone who attended the meeting with al-Ghariani”, al-Mishiti said. We found out at the time that he was a hidden man who walked according to the whims of those who use him.

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