
Mauritania fears the deterioration of Sahel Countries’ ties and the strengthening of terrorists’ grip 

Nouakchott welcomes new alliances as long as they do not come at the expense of the five African Sahel countries, expressing hope for Mali's return to the group

Mauritania is keen on maintaining close relations with the group of African Sahel countries, united by common security and developmental challenges, primarily posed by terrorist groups. Radical changes in any of these countries have the potential to impact the others within the group.

The Mauritanian government affirmed its commitment to the Sahel countries group while welcoming any new African alliances formed to enhance cooperation, unity, and security on the continent.

The government spokesperson and Minister of Petroleum, Energy, and Mines, Nané Ould Chrougha, stated that the country welcomes any new alliances as long as they do not undermine the five African Sahel countries, according to the Mauritanian news agency “Sahara Media.”

The African Sahel countries group, established in 2014 in Nouakchott, aims to coordinate regional cooperation to address security and economic challenges. Its joint force for counterterrorism was launched in 2017.

Mauritania holds a strategic position among the African Sahel countries, facing significant security and developmental issues. It is the only country in the region with an elected president and maintains a good partnership with Paris, while other countries take a more hostile stance toward the former colonial power.

These nations share challenges such as the spread of extremist groups, state fragility, and political instability. Any unconstitutional change of power in one of these countries can have repercussions on the others.

The Mauritanian minister indirectly responded to the recent tripartite alliance formed by Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso. He added that “Mauritania welcomes all African gatherings, no matter what they are, as long as they serve the principles of African unity.” He emphasized that the mentioned alliance would not be at the expense of the “five Sahel countries group,” which he stated “remains in place and has its projects.”

Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso, governed by military councils after coups, signed a security agreement last September, pledging mutual assistance in case of any uprising or external aggression. The alliance aims to establish a “structure for joint defense and mutual economic assistance.” The three countries are working to contain rebels affiliated with al-Qaeda and ISIS, and their relations with neighbors and international partners have also strained due to the coups.

The Mauritanian minister expressed hope for Mali’s return to the group after its withdrawal in May 2022. Mali’s military council withdrew from the multinational military force in the Sahel region, citing the refusal to allow Mali to chair the scheduled conference of the leaders of these countries in Bamako in February 2022, citing internal instability following a military coup.

A statement from the council mentioned that “the government of Mali decided to withdraw from all bodies of the Sahel five-country group, including its joint force” to combat jihadists.

Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould El-Ghazaouani had earlier warned of the worsening tensions in the Sahel region, noting that Mali’s withdrawal from the Sahel five-country group weakened the collective. In his speech at the Dakar International Forum on Peace and Security in Africa, he spoke about the “unconstitutional changes in the region,” describing them as “disturbing and unacceptable.” He affirmed that the Sahel countries “will overcome these challenges to continue the collective fight against terrorism and relentless insecurity.”

He added that “the African Sahel countries have been experiencing various forms of terrorist, social, and racial violence for over a decade,” leading to destabilization of states and the transformation of entire regions into hotbeds of violence and extremism.

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