
Morocco reaffirms its commitment to the ceasefire agreement in the Sahara

The Kingdom of Morocco affirmed its commitment to the ceasefire agreement with the Polisario Front, concluded in 1991 under UN supervision.

This was said by Abdellatif Loudiyi, Minister Delegate to the Head of the Moroccan Government in charge of the National Defense Administration, as part of his answers to the questions of the members of the Chamber of Advisors on the recent developments in the Moroccan Sahara.

The Moroccan Minister stressed that, to the extent that his country adheres to the ceasefire, it remains firmly resolved to respond with the utmost firmness, within the framework of legitimate defense, to any threat to its security and the security of its citizens.

He pointed out that the Moroccan army, through its high level of professionalism in planning, command and operational execution, has worked to strengthen the border strip (Guerguerat), in accordance with a precise plan to block the road and defeat the maneuvers of mercenaries and enemies of our territorial unit.

The spokesman stressed that the operation carried out by the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces at the Guerguerat border crossing between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Mauritania demonstrated to the whole world the feasibility and legitimacy of this qualitative operation, which enabled to guarantee the safe flow of goods and people between Morocco and its African depth, as well as between European and African countries.

The Moroccan minister also said that the provision for the national defense sector is rational and subject to the rules and regulations of good governance.

Military equipment is purchased by setting priorities and by way of committees that study the type of weapons to be acquired and how to deal with them, he said.

The Minister in charge of the National Defense Administration stated that “in view of the great importance of military training, the National Defense Administration, during the conclusion of agreements for the acquisition of various equipment and materiel, is keen to ensure that the contracts for these deals include provisions for the high training of the Royal Armed Forces personnel in various fields related to this equipment, gradually relying on personal human resources for their maintenance”.

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