
Muslim Brotherhood crisis… Munir takes action against Mustafa Tolba

A new chapter in the internal struggles of the Muslim Brotherhood, between the Istanbul and London fronts, Ibrahim Munir has decided to remove the group’s newly appointed acting guide, Mustafa Tolba, recently appointed by Mahmoud Hussein.

The wing led by Ibrahim Munir said in an official statement yesterday: “Those who deviated from the ranks, and those who contributed to splitting the group and repeating false slander, are not members of the group, declaring that it has decided to nullify the so-called Guide Committee represented by Mustafa Tolba”, the London Front’s new Muslim Brotherhood website reported.

The statement added: “He does not recognize the Istanbul decisions, or the so-called General Consultative Council”, he said, noting that the group’s legitimacy is represented only by its Deputy Supreme Guide and Charge d’Affaires Ibrahim Munir. What happened in Istanbul is a breach of the ranks that necessitated accountability, as it is part of a plan to divert the group from its principles and transgress its principles.

Munir said that all those who participated in this committee chose to leave the group, because of their violation of its rules and regulations. The London Group called on everyone to work under the legitimate leadership of the vice-leader and chargé d’affaires, and only its representative, Ibrahim Munir.

A few weeks ago, after a meeting, the Istanbul Front decided to form an interim committee on behalf of the acting Supreme Guide, which will serve as the group’s general guide for six months.
The Council confirmed in the statement that the committee has begun its work and announced the nomination of Dr. Mustafa Tolba as its official representative.

The meeting in Istanbul was attended by members from all over Turkey, with the participation of the Egyptian administration, to appoint an interim leader of the Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide, in the presence of a large number of front-line leaders and members of the General Consultative Council.

Brotherhood elements loyal to Jabhat al-Hussein demanded that the new Supreme Guide be given broad powers, with specific powers, and that he be officially notified by members of the General Shura Council. The Shura Council should issue an official designation for the new leader and notify the group’s ranks.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s legal committee has reached a number of decisions regarding the internal crisis the group is currently undergoing.

The most prominent decisions issued after reviewing the Egyptian General Assembly’s list, as amended in 2009, and the International Community List were: The decision to withdraw confidence and to exempt Ibrahim Munir, the General Guide’s Eminence, is absolutely null and void, in accordance with international and Egyptian regulations, as well as the requirement to enforce the decision of the Deputy Guide and his employer to refer the 6 members of the General Shura Council to investigation and suspend them from work until the end of the investigations.

The legal committee is made up of members of the Brotherhood and is responsible for the legal and regulatory affairs of the Muslim Brotherhood. It also oversees arbitration and adjudication of any problems in this regard.

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