
Muslim Brotherhood Leaks… Book Analyzes the Role of Drama in Exposing Brotherhood’s Plots

The book “Muslim Brotherhood Leaks… The Terrorist Group’s Populist Discourse from the Guidance Bureau to International Naturalization” by Dr. Hossam El-Damrawi examines the messages broadcasted in the third part of the series “Al-Ikhtiyar”, which shed light once again on the historical narratives woven by the group that have had a profound impact on shaping Egyptian collective consciousness over decades.

The researcher analyzes these messages in five chapters in this book, with each chapter supported by excerpts from videos aired in “Al-Ikhtiyar 3” that debunk distortions of historical discourse perpetuated by terrorism since its founding in 1928 by Hassan al-Banna. This includes the falsehood that the group is “the fortified structure”, propagated within its framing of the legitimacy issue, which it pushed through a narrative of victimhood and persecution to stir the sentiments of the Egyptian people and even Arab peoples to gain them on a popular level, after they were spurned by Arab elites.

They exploited the economic downturn to gain access to the minds of peoples who have suffered from these conditions since the mid-1970s, when the Egyptian state adopted economic liberalization policies, until the Egyptian people shook off their distortions in the June 30 Revolution.

Chapter One: Has the mask of the “fortified structure” deception fallen off?, Chapter Two: The Brotherhood and Salafists… The path to governance paved with betrayals, Chapter Three: Why do the Brotherhood hate the army?, Chapter Four: The Brotherhood and the opposition… “The chair” first and foremost, Chapter Five: The group, judges, Copts, and media… “Emerging into the daylight”;

“Al-Ikhtiyar” is a series produced by United Media Services Company, broadcasted last Ramadan. It is based on a story by Hani Sarhan and is among the most prominent Egyptian dramatic works that have greatly contributed to readjusting and purifying Egyptian collective consciousness from the distortions of the Muslim Brotherhood‘s terrorist discourse, especially through thirty episodes of videos commonly known as “Brotherhood Leaks” in the media.

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