
Nafi Ali Nafi, a Sudanese Politician… Who is he?

Nafi Ali Nafi, a Sudanese politician, is a former deputy president and vice president of the ruling National Congress Party in Sudan. He is known for his controversial positions, described by some of his opponents as hostile and extremist towards the opposition, while others see him as an effective figure implementing his party’s desires without compromise.

Nafi Ali Nafi was born in 1948 in Shendi, in the Nile River State in northern Sudan. He is married and a father of several children. He received his primary and secondary education in Shendi and later attended Wadi Saydna Secondary School in Khartoum.

He graduated from the University of Khartoum, Faculty of Agriculture, and pursued his doctoral studies in Genetics at the University of California, USA. He returned in 1980 to work as a professor at the University of Khartoum.

Nafi was a member of the Islamic movement at the University of Khartoum but was not as active as a student leader at that time. He was appointed as the director of the General Security Service during the Salvation Revolution, where he excelled in information monitoring. Later, he became the director of the External Security Service with the rank of brigadier general before being dismissed following the assassination attempt on the former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Addis Ababa in 1995.

He served as the Minister of Agriculture and Forests, then as an advisor to the President for peace, and later as the Minister of the Federal Governance Diwan. Recently, he became the assistant to the President and the vice president of the ruling National Congress Party.

Corruption in all its forms became prevalent during the Salvation regime, with integrity and clean hands becoming the exception. What does Dr. Nafi do with a farm covering an area of 16 million square meters in Al-Ilfon, fortified with a 16,000-meter-long cement wall? Corruption has become the norm, and honesty and purity are the exception that proves the rule.

Nafi Ali Nafi owns the following real estate in Khartoum State:

The above properties are only in Khartoum State. 

Not to mention the properties in his hometown in the Nile State and the foreign bank accounts in Malaysia and Dubai.

Where did Nafi Ali Nafi get the lawful money that allows him to own the mentioned properties, not to mention the substantial dollar accounts in Malaysia and Dubai? He spent his entire life before Friday, June 30, 1989, as a civil servant and an obscure university lecturer, with a monthly salary of less than $500, living in a rented house in Al-Halfaya.

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