Middle eastPolicy

Nasrallah: If the blast of Beirut appears as an act of destruction by Israel, it would pay an equal price

The leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, reported on Friday that his group would wait for results of an inquiry about the explosion of the port of Beirut, however, if that it appears as an act of destruction by Israel, then it would pay an equal price.

When he spoke in a televised speech, he declared that the two theories whether an accident or sabotage caused the explosion of ammonium nitrate stored at a warehouse, under investigation. Otherwise, Israel has denied any responsibility in the blast happened in Aug. 4 and that killed 172 people and wounded 6,000.

Moreover, Nasrallah also requested the formation of a new government in Lebanon in traditional political parties. The government of the Prime Minister Hassan Diab resigned on Monday because of the explosion that largely blamed on negligence and corruption by the ruling class of the country.

Indeed and in Lebanon, the politics in multi-confessional is dominated by the leader warlords from the 1975-1990 civil wars who have exchanged their military fatigues for suits, or were replaced by relatives.

Nasrallah in his second speech after the explosion rejected the idea of a neutral government, and he considered that like a waste of time for a country where there is a distribution of the power and the influence according to religious sects.

Nasrallah also reported: We don’t believe there are neutral (candidates) in Lebanon for us to form a (neutral) government. He appealed for a government model that has kept for years, although the prolonged political and economic crises and the demands for change, saying: We are calling for attempts to form a national unity government, and if that is not possible, then a government that secures the widest representation possible for politicians and experts.

The Hezbollah chief also said: We call for a strong government, a capable government, a government that is protected politically, and he added: A government that does not have the backing of the country’s top political blocs either falls, or collapses, or is toppled in parliament at any given crossroads.

It’s noted that the blast at the port of Beirut has happened when a large stock of hazardous materials stored in a warehouse in the center of the capital for years has been exploded, although the continued alerting of the dangers that it posed. This huge blast revived a manifestation movement in the street that has happened firstly in October last year against government corruption and the prolonged economic crisis.

Furthermore, months of manifestation that started last autumn conduct to the resignation of the government and the inauguration of Diab as a chief of a new government dominated by Hezbollah and its allies. Moreover, The Shia movement backed by Iran also controls the majority in parliament with its allies.

Protesters filled the streets again and clashed with security forces in the days after the explosion, blaming their political leaders for the negligence they say led to the disaster.

Western powers have pressed Lebanon’s leaders for deep-seated change and a government that reflects the will of the people, and also insisted reforms be implemented to unlock billions of dollars in international aid.

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