
New agreements… Iran weaves its strings around Qatari economy

Qatar has become Iran’s only savior to escape international isolation and sanctions after the stalled nuclear agreement negotiations, through its attempts to play the role of mediator with the United States of America. Qatar is for Iran a gateway and a gateway to the world, and Tehran controls almost all economic sectors and transportation corridors in Qatar, and recently through a series of economic agreements, Iran has extended its influence inside Qatar.

Iranian companies ‘spider web’ dominating markets in Qatar

A network of Iranian companies has spread in recent years within the Qatari market, and now has the upper hand over most economic sectors, especially the real estate sector.

By the year 2010, Iran had more than 60 businesses in the construction sector, almost controlling and controlling the real estate market in Qatar.

An official source in Qatar confirmed that Iran controls a large part of the Qatari private sector companies, most of which operate underground and with major government support.

He continued: “Iranian companies have major advantages that their counterparts don’t get, and they also make imaginary profits”.

He added: “In just a few years, Iran has succeeded in taking over the real estate, banking and commercial corridors in Qatar”.

Banking sector

The banking sector in Qatar is one of the most prominent sectors controlled and heavily penetrated by Iran in recent years.

Economists said that such an incursion gave Iran a golden opportunity to control the Qatari economic sector. During the past years, several Iranian banks concluded banking agreements with Qatar, and at the top of the banking institutions was Qatar National Bank, the largest Qatari bank, which began opening accounts at the bank to offer banking services.

A Jordanian banking expert said: “Iran’s acquisition of accounts in Qatari banks clearly reveals Tehran’s plans to take over the Qatari economy and control it through the banking sector”.

In 2017, Iran and Qatar held several discussions to finalize their exchange in regional currencies, away from major currencies.

In the same year, Iran signed a $5 billion deal with Qatar, which went beyond Western sanctions.

In the same year, Turkey, Iran and Qatar signed an agreement in the Iranian capital of Tehran to facilitate the transport of commercial goods and transit. The agreement signed by the three countries provides facilities for the maritime and land transport sectors, and also expands trade relations between the three countries.

Private Sector in Qatar: Tehran’s New Goal of Full Control

Iran has not only signed more than 30 agreements with Qatar in the past five years, but is now seeking to sign a trade agreement that strengthens the Iranian private sector in Doha.

Qatar ignores its interests with Arab states and the possibility of angering them with such an agreement that gives Iran greater influence within the Qatari economy.

An economic expert said: “Iran seeks to break its growing isolation and does not want Qatari-Arab reconciliation to be an obstacle to its plans and to exploit Qatar to implement its agenda in the region”.

According to Iranian media, Qatar’s private sector could be used to boost the volume of trade, boosting trade and economic ties.

The Iranian minister pointed to the development of his country’s political relations with Qatar, adding that their goal is to support the Iranian private sector in order to strengthen economic relations with neighboring Qatar, and to promote bilateral trade and economic activities.

According to the Iranian official, Iran views the Qatari market as unexploited and should be filled with the active presence of Iranian traders, saying: A useful, secure, stable and potential market for traders is the most important capital in today’s world economy.

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