Middle east

New Egypt … Towards Effective Arab Influence

Egypt was, and still is, an Arab with the title, project, and goal.

Egypt today, after overcoming the project it wanted to derail, is returning more seriously to its true path on the Arab road, building its project and defending it against any project that would demolish its pillars. This is why Egypt is struggling for the Arab role on all levels, and the best proof of that is:

First : Integration with the unified Arab policy with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Since the rise of Egypt and turning it into a traitor of the state, and passing through the difficult phase with its return to its national and national course, it has declared its political, diplomatic and even military position against anything that might harm the security of its Arab surroundings or attempt to tamper with its stability. It has been side by side on all outstanding Arab issues with the Arab policy, led by Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, seeking to establish peace and avoid bloody conflicts and maintain an active Arab role, as in Syria, Libya and Iraq. It has also activated the Arab bloc and given it real impetus so that it does not exclude the highest Arab interests in international interactions, in light of hostile projects to exploit the emergence of these Arab crises and growth at the expense of the Arab entity.

Second : Egypt has played a key role in Arab politics by activating its components, especially the Arab League, which has led to its cohesion and complementarity with the highest Arab interest in peace, stability and security. It has helped the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in all the crises it has dealt with at the internal level of the GCC and at the Arab level and in dealing with Arab issues, which has restored Egyptian policy’s brilliance, effectiveness and the fact that it seeks that there is no room and no place to compromise on Arab security, or deviate from its requirements, whatever the obstacles standing in its way, and that it supports a unified Arab policy and its context in dealing with crises that hinder its revival and integration.

Third : “Egypt has returned to active influence in its Arab, regional, and even international environment, and there is no indication that it can contain the latest conflict in Palestine and reach an agreement under its auspices that led to a truce and a ceasefire, although previous international initiatives and calls were frequent, but only the Egyptian initiative was able to bring the parties to an understanding that led to a halt to the bombing, and set the first characters for a long-term settlement that would avoid further tensions and violence in the future.”

All of this makes Egypt today prove that it is on the right track, the Arab railway that does not deviate from the requirements of the common Arab interests and protect it from every project it wants to be in the last accounts. Egypt today is also stronger than before and stronger in the face of these projects that show their malicious evil against Arabs and Arabism. Therefore, it is today the new Egypt, an Egypt that supports in word and deed the Arabs and their just causes, which has made the Arab equation a difficult number in the face of all those who want it evil.

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