Middle east

New Houthi violations; UN mission misleading

The Houthi terrorist militia committed more than 167 breaches of the UN truce on Monday and Tuesday, in the Hodeida, Taiz, Dhale, Hajjah, Saada, al-Jawf, and Marib fronts.

In a report published by Saba Net, the Armed Forces Media Center said violations included 42 in the Hays axis south of Hodeidah, 33 in the south, west and northwest of Marib, 30 in the battlefronts in the Taiz axis, 27 in the west of Hajjah province, 20 in the Bahr axis west of Taiz, 7 in the east and north of Hazm city in Al-Jawf province, 4 in the Dhale axis and 4 in the north of Saada province.

At various times, the army thwarted more than three infiltration attempts, including two thwarted by army heroes west of Marib and a third attempt at the Maris front in the Dhale area.” The remaining violations included firing artillery, rocket-propelled grenades, bullets, and drones, killing three army heroes and wounding seven others, in addition to Houthi militia activity in mobilizing reinforcements, digging trenches, building fortifications, and deploying drones on various fronts.

Despite these daily Houthi breaches, the UN Mission in Support of the Hodeida Agreement said it agreed with pro-Iranian militias to reactivate joint mechanisms for appeasement and cessation of breaches.

The mission said in a statement published by AFP that deputy head of mission Vivian Perry and the Houthi delegation to the Redeployment Coordination Committee discussed the humanitarian challenges facing the population in Hodeidah province, including demining and the recent military parade in Hodeida city.

It said the meeting also discussed the mission’s freedom of movement in Hodeidah‎ and the need for the Houthis to end restrictions and obstacles on the movement of its personnel under the recommendations of the UN Security Council.

The mission had previously accused the militias of violating the Hodeida agreement, after they conducted a military parade in the city. The mission said that this offer violates the most important principles of the agreement, which is to keep the city free from any military manifestations.

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