Arabian Gulf

Opening embassies… the latest points of convergence between Saudi Arabia and Iran

A Saudi-Iranian rapprochement is changing the map of political relations in the Middle East, and between Tehran and Jeddah, it seems as if it is opening a new way after the end of the 7-year conflict.

The agreement to restore relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran came under the auspices of China, which paved the way for ending many disputes. The most prominent of these disagreements is preventing Iran from supporting terrorist hotbeds in the Middle East.

Embassies open last stop of agreement

The most recent phase of the agreement is the opening of embassies in the capitals of the two countries. This came after Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian confirmed that the opening of embassies in Saudi Arabia and Iran will take place within days, the beginning of the agreement between the two parties.

“A Saudi-Iranian rapprochement is not only in the interest of both parties but of the region as a whole.”

Abdollahian officially invited his Saudi counterpart to visit Tehran. He confirmed that he welcomed the invitation and that he would fulfill it, and that he had received an official invitation from the Saudi foreign minister to visit the kingdom.

Riyadh witnessed the opening of the Iranian embassy for the first time in seven years following the agreement between the parties. A delegation from Saudi Arabia searched for a five-star hotel in Tehran to establish the Saudi delegation and the embassy staff.

Earlier this month, a Saudi technical team to discuss mechanisms for reopening Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran arrived in the capital, Tehran, in implementation of the trilateral agreement reached between Saudi Arabia, Iran, and China. The visit will complete what was agreed upon by the two sides during the talks between Prince Faisal Bin Farhan Bin Abdullah, the Saudi Foreign Minister, and Abdollahian, the Foreign Minister of Iran, in Beijing a few days earlier.

Iranian-Saudi Agreement Objectives

Omar Saif Qaid, a Saudi journalist, said reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran will have a positive impact on the entire region. More than seven years after Saudi Arabia and Iran closed their embassies, it is time to reopen embassies in Tehran and Riyadh.

“The foreign minister’s statements show that Tehran is directly benefiting from the agreement with Saudi Arabia, especially as U.S. sanctions on Tehran have increased dramatically, and there must be a new political backer for Tehran,” Gaeed said.

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