
Palestinian politician : Hamas attachment to funds for the reconstruction of Gaza is a coup against the sacrifices of the Palestinians

Palestinian politician : Palestinians should refuse to hand over any funds or donations to Hamas

Despite the deterioration of the situation in the Gaza Strip during the recent events, the Hamas movement is desperate to profit from the issue, by acquiring international donations and contributions for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip, at a time when the Palestinians are paying their lives for the cause.
In a sign of its efforts to control reconstruction funds, Khaled Meshaal, a senior official of the terrorist Hamas movement abroad, said that the movement prefers to direct aid through its direct forces, not through the legitimate Palestinian Authority or independent bodies.
The international trend is pushing countries that want to co-direct reconstruction aid to the Gaza Strip, with funds reaching Palestinians in the Strip without reaching Hamas, according to the US newspaper Wall Street Journal.
For his part, US President Joe Biden stressed that the United States will work to deliver humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip through means that benefit the Palestinians, not the terrorist Hamas movement, noting that he will work to involve our allies in the region in the reconstruction efforts.
The Egyptian delegation discussed the formation of an international committee to oversee the reconstruction efforts and the mechanism of sending financial aid from the concerned countries to the Gaza Strip.
Palestinian political analyst Zeid al-Ayoubi said : Hamas’s insistence on the passage of funds for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip through its channels is considered a coup against the sacrifices and steadfastness of the Palestinian people and a perpetuation of the division from which only the enemies of our people benefit. He added that the leaders of the terrorist movement always confirm that Hamas money is for Hamas, pointing out that the Palestinians will not benefit from these funds once they hand them over to the movement, according to Al-Arab Direct.
Al Ayoubi added that the Palestinian people should refuse to hand over any money or donations to Hamas, explaining that the movement does not equate its supporters with the rest of the Palestinian people, calling on all donor countries for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip to dedicate the reconstruction mechanism in coordination with the legitimate national authority under the Egyptian sponsorship under the leadership of President Abdul Fattah Al Sissi, to preserve the rights of the victims of the Israeli aggression in Gaza.
The recent escalation between the occupation army and the Palestinians resulted in an estimated $150 million in losses, with at least 2000 housing units completely destroyed in the Gaza Strip and another 15 thousand partially destroyed, in addition to the destruction of dozens of police offices and most factories in the industrial area of the Strip.
The government media office in Gaza confirmed that 68 schools, 75 government offices and public facilities were damaged, 490 agricultural and sewage systems were damaged, and more than 60 tourist facilities, 31 electricity transformers, 454 cars and transport were completely damaged.
The Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip also caused the displacement of more than 75 thousand Palestinians, of whom 28,700 have sought refuge in schools belonging to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).
As for the human losses, 232 innocent people were killed, including 65 children, 39 women and 17 elderly people, and about 1900 others were injured on the Palestinian side. On the Israeli side, 15 people were killed and 330 others were injured.
The Israeli police have also arrested 1400 people, 90 per cent of them Palestinians inside Israel, for alleged involvement in riots over the recent escalation in the Gaza Strip.
Total missiles on occupation areas
According to the Israeli Cannes Channel, about 4 thousand and 300 rockets from the Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip fell on cities and settlements located in southern and central Israel, 90% of which were shot down by the Iron Dome system.
Egyptian efforts, under the auspices of President Abdul Fattah Al Sissi, succeeded in the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, starting at dawn on Friday, May 21, when American President Joe Biden thanked his Egyptian counterpart, following the success of the truce efforts.

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