
Political analyst: Ghannouchi and Ennahdha leaders threatened with house arrest

The Ennahdha Movement in Tunisia is still suffering from many troubles and crises because of the actions of its leader, Rached Ghannouchi, who plans to bri  ng him back to the scene after the dissolution of the Tunisian Parliament. Despite all this, the terrorist movement infuses its poisons through its plans in order to make its appearance on the scene.

Ennahdha plans

Despite the dissolution of the Tunisian Parliament, the head of the Ennahdha Brotherhood, Rached Ghannouchi, continues to spread his poison by provoking Tunisians by calling for the Parliament to be convened, and trying to break the decisions of the state and the Tunisian people that came out rejecting the return of this terrorist movement to the scene once again.

Osama Oweidat, political analyst and leader of the Tunisian People’s Movement, said: Ghannouchi and the leaders of the terrorist Ennahdha Movement are suffering major crises in light of the numerous losses that the terrorist group suffered after the decisions of last July. Through their poisons and lies, they seek to terrorize the Tunisian street, which has uttered them once and for all from the Tunisian scene.

Confronting Ennahdha’s plans

The Tunisian political analyst added: The Tunisian street again rejects the presence of Ghannouchi in the scene, which became apparent when a number of Tunisian people stood up and expelled Ghannouchi from the mosque. This was a clear response from the people to reject their presence again.

He continued: “Ghannouchi and the Ennahdha leadership are at risk of being placed under house arrest after the movement and its leader continue to break the laws by convening the dissolved parliament. This measure opens the door to placing him under permanent house arrest, something Tunisian President Kais Saied will resort to prevent the resumption of the work of the dissolved parliament”.

Details of what’s happening

Parliament was dissolved in late March after the parliament held a virtual plenary session at the time. The parliament voted to cancel the extraordinary measures announced by President Kais Saied on July 25th, 2021.

The head of the dissolved parliament, Rached Ghannouchi, leads the total lack of confidence in political figures by 88%, according to the political barometer of March, which is why he encounters an increasing volume of popular discontent whenever he goes to a public place.


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